Slingrings are the Force(tm) and Mauler is better

Could not really think of a good topic for this post, as I wanted to say so many separate things.

First, I have not seen this movie 'as a movie' - I have only seen things like reviews, Pitch Meetings and so on. They all do a great job showcasing how not only this movie must be the stupidest thing ever done with a budjet of this magnitude, but also how almost nothing in it makes any sense from almost any angle you try to take.

Mauler must be the best movie reviewer and analyser I have ever seen. He can make an almost SIX-HOUR video feel like a couple of minutes, due to it being so packed with information, data, jokes, and really good analysis.

If he made a video about every movie that makes no sense that I have written about, I could just stop existing, because he does it better than I ever could. All the kudos to him and his amazing ability to review a movie so thoroughly and point out all the flaws (and more) that I probably would have missed.

So all I can say is what others have pointed out - the old 'The Force(tm)' problem raises its ugly head again. Why is it not used more, when it could solve SO many problems? Why even bother with any 'light sabers' or ANYTHING melee, when you can just blow up a planet or destroy a 'death star' with your mind? Remember, SIZE DOES NOT MATTER.

The sling rings (among some other spells, features, and so on) would INSTANTLY solve so many, oh, SO SO so very many problems, if used logically and consistently. They are extremely powerful, BUT (or because of that?) they are so incredibly under-used in favor of some 'sudden catheads' and other completely ridiculous things, it boggles the mind.


Wong is an absolutely idiotic cartoon in this movie, and does not use any spell or sling ring to kill Wanda when he CLEARLY has the chance. No clairvoyance about Wanda for these powerful sorcerers? They can't see what Wanda will try to do in the future and prepare the perfect spells for it?

People can time travel in these movies, and _NO_ONE_ thinks to go back before Wanda became powerful and just memorywipe/kill her or whatnot?

Wanda's whole motivation - her WHOLE MOTIVATION?!?!?! - is based on two _FICTIONAL_ entities?

That's like someone wanting to destroy the world because they are in love with Snoopy character from Peanuts. What?

I mean, if they can create two fictional kids (that, for some reason, Wanda obsesses over so much.. why, exactly? There must be quadrillions of kids in existence that Wanda could obsess over, that ACTUALLY EXIST!), why can't they do it again?

Wanda is SUPER powerful, right? So... why can't she recreate those kids? I don't know how they were created originally, but can't the same be done again instead of turning people into spaghetti or having a massive fight against the useless 'sorcerers' and doing rituals to torture a girl that can randomly open portals to travel to another parallel existence to ..

I mean, WHAT THE F were they thinking?!

Everything contradicts something that's supposed to be important.. anything logical would instantly remove the whole plot from happening.

HISHE does a brilliant job exposing exactly how stupidly this movie is written and manufactured, but Mauler does it just in so much more intricate detail, I seriously recommend his video to anyone interested in seeing pretty much EVERY flaw in this movie shown better than I have ever done about any movie.

I don't set to do a thorough analysis of a movie, I simply watch something, realize it makes no sense, then come here to write about it, so it's always going to be flawed and incomplete, but if I could, I would make a Mauler-like video of every movie I have ever seen. The problem is, Mauler still does it better than I ever could, I have to bow to my better(s).

I just absolutely HATE the frustrating 'trope' of showing us a REALLY overpowered ability, then everyone using bad breath instead when it counts.

The Force(tm) is one of the biggest plot holes in this sense, I ABSOLUTELY hate how sparingly it is used, and then even Luke throws a ROCK instead of using it.. whyyyy?

But _THIS_ particular piece of turd of a movie really TAKES THE CAKE, when it comes to that stuff.

Mauler already shows in his analysis how there are like about 800 different places, where something like this happens, almost from the very beginning. Dr. Strange COULD have used something actually powerful, but uses something weak. He uses something good, then never does it again. And so on.

Why split a bus in half, when you could've used a slingring to teleport it to a harmless place where it can't hurt anyone or transformed it into air or WHATEVER?

Makes absolutely no sense. It's like you are trained soldier with modern weapons, guns, etc., and you choose to pick up some dirt and throw that at the enemy. How much sense would that make?

Anyway, Slingrings are OP and underused, Mauler's video is magnificent, Wanda is stupid.


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.
