Only in white America

Only in America can you be exonerated 14x times over and a court of law.

Have your home raided like you are Osama bin Laden and the authorities find nothing

Have the FBI investigate you for over 10 years along with child protective services in which they found nothing, having factual proof of your innocence

Yet the words of discredited, money chasing accusers are automatically believed then pushed by mainstream media and other powerful figures in Hollyweird where the real child molesters have been protected.

What we are witnessing is the premeditated attempted destruction of a dead black man's iconic legacy

You are guilty no matter the lack of evidence against you or what the outcome is in a court of law

We are still living in very dangerous times in America


Inorite? Shit like this never happens in China.


The white establishment with its paedophile and abuse networks need token black villains like Michael Jackson to make it look as if it takes the systemic abuse of women and children seriously.


He looked like a white deformed female alien dude. I doubt anyone thought he was black.





LMAO your defending a weirdo pedo who loved to sleep with children


hey u anti transracial? michael jackson was white!!! he did diddle all those kids probably tho, what kinda grown man hangs out with kiddos unless they are family??
