MovieChat Forums > Last Night in Soho (2021) Discussion > Mobile phone MASSIVE plot hole

Mobile phone MASSIVE plot hole

This was so incredible, I literally stopped the film and rewound it to rewatch on more than one occasion just to ensure I wasn't going bonkers / missing something...

Anyway, she's recording Terrace Stamp on her mobile phone, runs up the stairs holding her mobile phone, yet when she hits street level the mobile phone has sensationally vanished without explanation!

Mere seconds later - in fact the very next scene - she is calling her Gran from a telephone box! It's absolutely astounding and makes absolutely no sense...

Potential "plot holes" do get overplayed somewhat on this site I feel but this was really something else.


I just gone done watching and noticed the exact same thing! I considered rewinding it to see if perhaps I'd missed something where she'd lost her mobile phone but decided not to. Not only did she use that phone booth but then at the end she's reaching (unsuccessfully) for a f'ing rotary phone next to her bed! What?


Not only did she use that phone booth but then at the end she's reaching (unsuccessfully) for a f'ing rotary phone next to her bed! What?

From memory, during the ending, she had been drugged/poisoned in the landlady's downstairs apartment, and was both not fully conscious, and had been attacked physically while in the apartment and going up the stairs to her apartment. It isn't unreasonable to assume at that point, that her phone had been dropped on the floor.


What you describe is not a plot hole. I'm not really sure what the problem is because I don't remember what you are referring to. It seems from what you say that she lost her cell phone in a scene and then has to use landlines. I don't see what the problem is with that. It certainly isn't a plot hole. I don't even think it is a continuity error from what you say.


I'm not really sure what the problem is because I don't remember what you are referring to...

...she's recording Terrace Stamp on her mobile phone, runs up the stairs holding her mobile phone, yet when she hits street level the mobile phone has sensationally vanished without explanation!


That's what you recall. I'm wondering if you missed something


I'm not really sure what the problem is because I don't remember what you are referring to...

... I literally stopped the film and rewound it to rewatch on more than one occasion just to ensure I wasn't going bonkers / missing something...


I was just ending if there was a time jump there, back to the 1960s.


Anyway, she's recording Terrace Stamp on her mobile phone, runs up the stairs holding her mobile phone, yet when she hits street level the mobile phone has sensationally vanished without explanation!

You have seen this film right?


A year and a half ago.


In which case, it is indeed more likely that you have forgotten...

There's no time jump in the scene - it's a continuous scene with the camera switching when she reached the top of the stairs. The phone then magically disappears.

Terrance Stamp actually leaves the basement with her waving the phone at him, telling him she has recorded him and is going to the police. So it's truly bizarre the phone then just magically disappears.


I just assume when she saw car crashing, the phone slip from her hand and crashing to ground.


Well they should've shown that happen then. As it stands, it makes no sense and rips you out of the movie when she's suddenly using an old phone booth which just *happens* to be right there (Sure, Jan). Also she still would've picked up the cellphone to see if it's broken/potentially do a warranty claim on it/take the memory card out of it/properly discard of it. But no.


Also she still would've picked up the cellphone to see if it's broken...

The weird thing about that is that I recently re-watched the scene (after this thread had bumped) and there is a very brief shot of her throwing her hands up to her face when he is hit by the car. She is not even holding the phone then! Plus I'm sure we see a full shot of her as well with no phone on the ground...

It's just really bad discontinuity. And not even inconsequential as she was just waving it in his face, telling him she was recording him.
