MovieChat Forums > The King of Staten Island (2020) Discussion > Turned it off in the first seconds of th...

Turned it off in the first seconds of the movie 1/10

Stupid rap-listening moron scribbled over with tattoos driving down the freeway decides to close his eyes and risk everyone's lives. Why do I want to watch this? Why is this a character I should care about? I am really scraping the bottom of the barrel of my movie watchlist these pandemic quarantined days, but I have my limits.


this guy always pissed me off when ever i saw him with his butthole eyes and all. its a shame his dad died in 911, if that never happened he would have probably never became famous without pulling his pity card and we would never have to deal with his annoying ass


"this guy always pissed me off when ever i saw him with his butthole eyes and all."

He has Crohn's Disease, which can cause anemia. Way to go shaming people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

There are a few jokes about this throughout the movie.


oh okay i apologize i didnt realize his butthole eyes look like buttholes because of a butthole disease but i am sorry for that. his tattoos are completely retard too that is another reason i hate him. is that pc enough reason not to like someone or should i try again?


You should probably try revamping your whole personality because you sound like an immature douchebag, and I really don't think it's "PC" to say you shouldn't mock people with an incurable disease.

Yeah, his tattoo's are a bit much, however I've heard he's getting them all removed for his movie career.


how the hell am i supposed to know he has some incurable butthole disease that happens to turn his eyes into butthole looking ass eyes. it was just a funny ass coincidence that happened to be the case not my fault. what am i this bozos doctor?!?


Its a pretty well known fact. And is there a reason you're still mocking his appearance now that you know?


Because he’s a 12 year old.


Either that or just ignorant.


pretty well know fact?!? maybe to sheeple who worship celebrities and have no lives it is a well know fact. to normal people who actually have important things to care about and think about this is not well known at all. i dont even know this dudes name let alone the health reasons for his black hole pit butthole eyes


Again, I'm not even a fan of the guy, but as an SNL regular, he's in the media all the time. And you're on a Movie Forum, so certainly you are involved in popular culture to a certain level, right?

And since you didn't answer my question, I'll ask again. Why are you still mocking him when you now know he has a horrible disease? You could get it too and I'd bet you wouldn't think its so funny. Grow the hell up.


because that is the right thing to do. if u stop making fun of someone just because they have a disease you are putting them down even more. they are still human even if they have disease. u should treat them the same way you would otherwise. make sense?


No, that doesn't make sense at all. Do you also mock people with cancer? I ask because Crohns can have serious, life altering consequences. Perhaps educate yourself about it so you don't come across as such a dope next time.


i wasnt even mocking his disease i was mocking his butthole eyes. you are the one who brought up all this crohns disease


His appearance is directly related to his disease. Would you make fun of a cancer patient going through chemo because they were pale? Its the same thing.


LOL "to normal people who actually have important things to care about and think about this is not well known at all." yet here he is clearly caring and thinking so much about it. what a lame sorry excuse for a human. i feel so bad for anyone that has to deal with his condescending ass in person, because i highly doubt he is just like this in front of his keyboard, what a pos


The actor is literally Jon Cryer with a meth addiction
