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rcolfer (7)


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Why? It was a mess. Max was an incoherent, mumbling sidekick in a world where everyone else could speak normally. The plot is essentially "Let's all drive around in a circle for two hours". Then, at the end, Max walks away from five beautiful women whose lives he's saved on countless occasions. He walks away from water, from food, from shelter, to die in the dust - he knows there's nothing else out there. It made NO sense. This film is pretty, but that's just about all. Have you seen Stranger Things? The Stephen King influences are unmistakable. The creators of the show have said as much, many times. Maybe a cheesy, teen angst version of Cube. Far worse as a film, with a similar premise. Her mum, Hippolyta, looked quite a lot older than she did. The actress is twenty years older. Having only seen the film and knowing nothing about the comic I'd say it's fair to say Amazons age normally, but Diana is a demigoddess, or maybe an actual goddess by the end of the film, so she doesn't suffer any ill effects from age. Actually, they had a weird set up. She was the only child on the island and we got the impression that Hippolyta had been around for a long time. Maybe they age incredibly slowly? One Amazon year is a hundred or more human years? That would account for her looking the same after a hundred years, if it's only one year to her. is probably worth a go. Langoliers with a better cast and bigger budget could be great! They could change the name to disassociate it with the older film, it's not like the name is really important. View all replies >