sjbradford's Replies

Hold onto your sides - it’s a Malcolm in the Middle joke! Like we haven’t heard this joke hundreds of times over the years. You, sir, are the funniest person on the internet. You are so incredibly clever. I wish I could be like you. Yep - the timelines are different. We saw Axl’s flashforward first, and that was furthest into the future. When we saw Sue’s flashforward, it was earlier, because Brick didn’t have a beard. At the wedding, Lexie was pregnant with one of the three sons we saw earlier. Darlene is separated or divorced from David. Johnny Galecki will make an appearance this season. They had some awkward exposition last night where Jackie mentioned that Mark (Becky’s husband) died. 11) Keep those giant nips covered up. Winoka was a fictional city in the Dakota Territory. Even if it was located in the easternmost park of Dakota (closer to Walnut Grove), it would have been at least 100 miles away. I think she looked best at the beginning of season 3, with the tan (or darker makeup) and before her hair got long enough to do the flip. Leslie Landon. I've taken several ethics classes. Ethics is subjective. As far as the lie by omission goes: again, your opinion, not mine. Good point, and we all know how often fires happened on this show. Being a woman in those days kinda sucked in general. And being poor didn't help. He punched Miss Plum, the schoolteacher at the time. In your opinion, not mine. The trouble with the Waltons is that it's not in Little House's league when it comes to campiness and cheeziness. So there's not as much to snark about. She wouldn't have had to explicitly blame Marcia. She could have just kept her yap shut, and Carol probably would have blamed Marcia. Florence Henderson was also married at the time. Barry Williams is kind of an attention whore, so he clearly took a dinner out with a friend/colleague and made a mountain out of it. They sure are. Bub is kind of adorable. ME-TV will start rerunning the B&W episodes, starting with the first episode, on May 29, 2017. LOL - who really wants to watch that hateful old cow? Her time has passed. I agree. Axel isn't the type to settle down young, so it wouldn't make a lot of sense for him to be with someone permanently by the end of the series. April was supposed to be "the love of his life", but the character was so poorly conceived that even the writers got sick of her. I like him with Lexi for now, though. I think Michael Landon missed an opportunity to mine some great episodes out of the pair dating, their engagement, wedding planning, etc. Nellie was "tamed" far too quickly - would have been fun for them to go at it for a bit before she settled down.