MovieChat Forums > thebricks

thebricks (292)


Mods on power trips ruining this site Hipster douche, the movie. Awful film. Movie called out Asian international students perfectly How does Rotten Tomatoes have 300 reviews one movie, 150 reviews for another? Another action movie with 3 bad reviews? Holy cow, this was really bad The abusive word filter here is absolutely ridiculous Hate Scoot McNair so much Black people in 18th century France? Seriously? Definitely a lot better than the 20% it got on Rotten Tomatoes View all posts >


I'm probably about to be banned. Don't even care. The idiots running the site don't even have many people posting here and are running to ban people left and right for "flaming." Hilarious. I just got my final warning. Yeah, this site is a victim of overmoderation, for sure. Sad, they really need to hire more stable, older people to mod on these boards. If this is the last time, it's been fun. I wasn't even seeing many new threads on the Baby Driver board. It's pretty close to being pointless to being on here anyways. Nice to know the mods have your back every time you snitch on me to them. Pathetic stuff. I think he made his point very well, you're just not smart enough to understand. The irony is, the Democrats went low after the election...but keep quoting Michelle Obama, ROFLMAO. Don't apologize. Seriously. Yeah, putting this self-righteous boy scout on ignore, see ya. Dude, are you hurt because his quip didn't agree with your politics? People like you SCARE ME. There's a reason Trump is in office, because of people like you. America just elected a black man as president twice, so rednecks aren't the problem. You scared many moderate Democrats into voting Republican and quite frankly, you deserved it because of your arrogance. The real Idiocracy is from the 20 and 30-something millennials who get their political news from Colbert and Maddow. Grow up, seriously. Get a job. Sorry, not backing down from my anti-SJW posts. I'm tired of the bullcrap going on. I'm not PC? So sad, deal with it! Females are usually beyond delusional when making any sort of war movie, I'm sorry. View all replies >