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Destinata (2676)


Some of you guys have never lived in the country.... Why is he meeting with RDS? Klaus Schwab is in the hospital... What was his best role? Trump now says.... Remember when what she did was appalling? He and Matt Walsh are getting dragged on conservative Xitter Big Bad John I also enjoyed the throat-slashing scene... Can't get the dog who died of thirst out of my mind View all posts >


"From the same perspective as most of the population." You will not understand that Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard was not part of "most of the population," and was privy to information we did not have. I think somewhere I pointed out that the WEF met at Davos to discuss the important questions facing the globe and how to deal with those problems in a coordinated, global fashion. It's not as though it was a secret. She said she didn't know what they were about. She should have known far better than we what they were about, and yet her excuse for praising them in tweets was ignorance. It boggles the mind. If it's a great idea, he'll put it in his brain. I doubt we'll ever see the day. I'm not trying to deflect. If I can't understand your gobbledegook, I can't respond to it. I'm not going to try to understand your slippery definitions of "normie/non-normie/half-awake/comatose" gibberish. It means something to you [Destinata says, patting tvfan on the head]. That must make you happy. So long as one of us is. If you had a job where you had to use English, your boss would be complaining about your grammar. It's a competency thing. It's like JoWilli going through life pretending she can use any kind of punctuation or grammar she pleases. Sooner or later you're going to have to work for someone who knows that sentences begin with capitals, whatever your schtick is. So, back to the actual topic, Tulsi's qualification is that she's "better than comatose." Wow. I can see why you and JoWilli argue for her. 🙄 I'm done. I keep expecting the Monty Python "Too silly! Too silly!" guy to show up and call a halt to this. He named his youngest son X, too. He seems really fond of the name. I call it Twitter or Twitter/X. I would revise that to read "Tulsi denies she is part of the WEF". Yes. This is an accurate statement. When pressed, she claimed she didn't know what the WEF or YGL were, which, as a Congresswoman, is a pretty outrageous statement. The WEF is not an obscure organization. A Congresswoman should have known who they are/were and what they stood/stand for. You have your own language. You should have to post your definitions at the end of every post. I would ask you what a "normie" is by your definition, but I honestly don't care. Sometimes your posts don't make any form of sense, so I don't bother addressing any part of them. If I'm a non-normie, whatever that means, then how can I answer your gibberish from a "normie" point of view? You just proved you don't spend enough time on Twitter to know what people think. So you are for someone as VP who, by your admission, is only half-awake. Okay. 🙄 PS: Your grammar is like having a root canal done without novocaine. Capital at the beginning of the sentence and period at the end, just like they taught me in first grade. Congrats! It's basically his only way of being relevant anymore. He's a good actor. But mention Trump, and he just goes bat guano crazy. He won't. Not that he's in the same league, but for the same reason Trump wouldn't debate DeSantis. RFK Jr. wants an accounting for the handling of Covid. Trump wants a Nobel Prize for being the Father of the Vax. He thinks the 15 days to slow the spread was sheer genius. He has no regrets about anything, including the inflationary stimulus. But RFK or RDS would hold his feet to the fire. They'd question the reason for the vax in the first place. It'd be glorious. But it'll never happen. Both factions on the Uniparty won't let it happen. I didn't even go to kindergarten. My mother couldn't see the point. I could already read, so she figured it would just be a waste of everyone's time. Most people can't understand why you would want to look ignorant. Apparently, you're not typing on an Apple device. An iMac will allow you to not capitalize after a period, but the others I've worked with won't unless you disengage the shift key at the beginning of sentences. I can't remember what Androids do. If you're working on an iPhone or an iPad, for example, you have a real commitment to not capitalizing. Well, except for that "I" at the beginning of your last post. You could have gone all e.e.cummings on us, but you're not quite that committed to it. See, it's not that people aren't smart enough to figure out you're doing it on purpose. You're not doing it consistently, so it looks like stupidity or laziness. It makes you happy, though. Like your arguments -- they convince you, and you seem to be the only one you're trying to convince. View all replies >