MovieChat Forums > letess

letess (1086)


Is anyone watching this - because it’s fantastic. Great series. The ending.... your thoughts. How I miss IMDB chat boards... shut down in 2017. One of the best shows I have ever seen Blood Diamond When is Season 7? One of the best things on TV Season 4 Fantastic. Still... View all posts >


Are you kidding. Flight was one the best movies. Denzel’s performance was fantastic. The people who felt it racist were the Hmong people and the actors in the movie have often reflected as such. I think it’s Eastwood’s best role. And one of his most compelling movies. But there are other opinions by Asian actors in the movie and community who think otherwise and you have to listen to everyone. Beyonce definitely has charisma. You can argue other things, but that is the one thing she does have. Can she sing as good as Etta James. Maybe not. I don’t think charisma is the word you want. I don’t think anyone is ranting. The links are weak. 1st link - says the movie is awful and everyone says the same - What was Steve Martin thinking. Is Clive Owen’s role necessary. Chugging of Richard Dreyfus. Beyonce can’t act. 2nd link is of Ashlee Simpson. 3rd one - he’s a reputable TV Critic of the Boston Globe and is commenting on a documentary of hers in 2013. He doesn’t see how Beyoncé can compare to Whitney Houston or Michael Jackson. Many can agree on that. He asks if she’s relevant. This is what bothers this guy. Her relevance. Actually, his question is she really worthy of greatness? Who (many people) says that she doesn’t? And then there is Greta Scacchi. How can you replace her. As well as: Raul Julia. Paul Winfield. John Spencer. Brian Dennehy. And Harrison. I can’t make you watch anything. Already. If you don’t care about the look of a film. Well that is huge in its own right. The story is great. The acting is great. The scenery. It’s very weird but so brilliant. Not for everyone. But it just shows that every once in a while, even through this really down period in making good films, that something comes through that shines brightly. But looking at your comments, I’m not sure you’d feel the same. What concerns me are posters who share their dislikes of movies they haven’t seen. Sorry. There was a poster. Melton. Got emori mixed up with that. He/She made the comment. I didn’t ask about Birdman. I asked about unwatchable movies you say are unwatchable that are Emma’s. Why didn’t you watch Poor Things? How can you comment on something you haven’t seen? She’s not brain damaged. There’s no pedophilia or grooming. The story is fantastic. The visuals. The sets, the costumes are elaborate and breathtaking. The music is phenomenal. And, whereas I did not buy into Emma’s acting credibility, this performance cemented it. One of the bravest I’ve ever seen. This is one of the greatest films in the last decade. I honestly can’t understand people posting comments on a film they haven’t seen and then try to support their argument over a YouTube link. Just have to say. The term artsy farts is a little dated. What does back in the day mean to you? I think the topic of this original post was about Emma Stone and the kinds of movies she made, which you stated are unwatchable. It sounds like you didn’t like La La Land. This movie is a favorite of many - not me. And you can call it many things, but it is not boring. I like Umbrellas of Cherbourg better. And you mention Poor Things - but did you watch Poor Things - all the way through. Did you see The Favourite? I am confused with pedophile comment. You list a lot of movies that are not hers but I guess go under your unwatchable movie list. A lot of your comments for each movie are “boring depressing” - which is such an odd takeaway for EVERY film and a commentary should include way more than that for a dismissal. And what is the time period for “back in the day”? Did you watch the “Unwatchable Movies”? Trailers don’t count. Maybe love letter is an annoying phrase. But this is definitely a well thought out acknowledgment to the specialized and unrecognized profession of stuntmen everywhere. Not as good as Bullet Train, but director Leitch is a stuntman and he incorporates the stuntmen he knows to do these difficult stunts that seem like nothing to us. And then he takes an 80s TV show - only because he probably had to pitch this thing to the producers and since we are only seeing remakes, prequels and sequels and bios - it gave him traction. And the reason for this is supposedly to get the “stuntmen” category recognized by the Oscars. And yet, ironically, if there were such a category, this movie would not be nominated for it. Because when you think of stunts - I automatically, think of Ghost Protocol 135th floor, The Spy Who Loved Me ski jump, Cliffhanger, True Lies. Or the surfer in Point Break who rode that 50 ft wave in at the end and got paid very little. But the dialogue, especially the romantic banter is horrible. Not so bad as Jack and Rose in Titanic but almost. When this movie finally gets to the dead guy in the tub is there a sense of purpose - yes, so this is a mystery. Why is this guy dead? And then you find out why. All with the backdrop of the breathtaking beauty of Sydney Harbour. I don’t know about you, but I just want to see a movie that doesn’t deal with vampires, zombies, the end of the world, alternative states, prequels, sequels, or bios, and for me, families. I had a really enjoyable time watching this at the theater and everybody at the theater did too. And I laughed in this. Some parts. Didn’t you laugh at Aaron Taylor-Johnson doing Matthew McConaughey or when Gosling has a serious discussion with the cast who all looked like the Star Wars bar. It may not be the best, but it’s going in a better direction. I’d prefer seeing Ryan with Russell Crowe in that last great movie they did but I guess it wasn’t great enough. View all replies >