orangeflava's Replies

Shes hotter now! Maybe because of that unflattering 90s haircut.... perhaps if the right script comes along... someone is seeing only what they want to see George Wallace You don't say... Know any IT guys? 🤓 Those sites are blocked for me 🚫 need pics as i dont recall her Haha my partner had the same reaction to both those scenes. She dont lika da poop Whats the issue? Nice tidbit of information. Thanks! no cap 😄 I was wondering how much is in their head as well. Like the talk show clip. We shall see. How does it rank against Trolls 2 or Showgirls 2? Were there two of them? Why didnt he say anything about it being on his leg? I guess he can't feel with his legs but im sure he would notice it moving around. Why did he choose not to tell anyone? I guess I have to rewatch it to remember what happens to the characters Interesting how that has shifted in the younger generation. I wonder why that has changed. Blade 🗡 The person who took/developed them saw them, I'm sure. Neat pictures 📸 They did