MovieChat Forums > Gameboy

Gameboy (77)


Hey Jim how much do you want me to donate? Girls in it are hot Overrated This is the IMDb2 admin This is the IMDb2 admin IMDb2 sending people to spread rumors here I can't believe Ricardo López killed himself over her Youtube and Image Embedding Can i just lift in peace? View all posts >


So what are you going to do about it? Nothing No you are better off on that previously tv place. I will post about whatever i want to. GFY Why don't you promote that shitty again, will ya? The trouble here is that he is actually banning people giving false justifications. These images show how he operates. He thinks that people with weird nicks and avatars should be banned. He is banning people and giving false reasons like they are trolls and other bullshit reasons. This is not how an admin should be operating. He is also openly power tripping and threatening to ban people he doesnt like or have opinions different to him. And he has. Some of the time he will make it appear that those users weren't banned and are active even though they were banned 20 days ago. I have like 20 friends who have told me this. No it shows that admin wants to ban people for such small things and is banning people for that reason. IMDb2 wont survive for long, there is no doubt about it. But i want to quicken the process View all replies >