CluelessDrifter's Replies

[quote]Donatello was great too and tried to rack my brain as to when he was last on, was it back in S7 with Crowely when he kidnapped all the prophets?[/quote] Donatello was in season 11, at the end, as the prophet activated when Amara started setting her fog loose on various small towns. He sort of specialized in her. Wayward Sisters, i.e. Jody and the girls. I guess the first half of season 13 will be helping to set it up. The next episode is the first of several episodes devoted to it (Episode 3 introduces us one of the new characters). I know the mid-season finale will be featuring the spin-off, and I think there might be at least one more episode between episode 3 and the mid-season finale that will be helping to set that up. I agree about them not wanting to do full seasons. Since it's been announced, I've wondered if the spin-off was a way to make that happen, so we'll get half a season of Supernatural, and the spin-off will fill in for the rest of the season. Thanks for posting this Bella. Every picture I've seen of Jack really seems to be pushing for him to be a younger Cas, his mannerisms, etc. I already figured that Lucifer and Mary would have to team up together against the AU Michael when we heard that Michael would be evil. Any bets on how long it will be before Mary and Lucifer bond over being away from their children? I've been watching Midnight, Texas too. The acting leaves something to be desired, but the actors are getting into their roles a little better as time passes. I've been watching Wynona Earp lately. It has a similar vibe to Buffy/Supernatural. American Gods? Ha! Lol Yeah, I think her granddaughter is supposed to be in the spin off. I know Mark P. is a regular and assume Misha will be again too the way PA said, even though it hasn't been officially announced (despite them seeming to confirm he'll be in season 13 in most spoilers I've read, which makes me question why they won't just announce it, since the cat is out of the bag on Cas's return), but I guess considering how long it took Mark S. to get regular status and that Sam Smith was never given regular status last season or for the upcoming season despite Mary being a major player (She was in 13 episodes last season and who knows how many this season, but if Mark P. is a regular, and Mary is with Lucifer, I'm guessing she'll be in whatever episodes he is until they're both back from the AU), I am a little surprised by it. He must be in higher demand than I would have thought. Do we even know if Misha is confirmed as a series regular this season yet? [quote]7. War of the Worlds - going back the AU and possibly Mary and Lucifer coming back[/quote] I think we may see Lucifer, Mary, Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack all briefly on the same side when they're pitted against maybe a really evil Michael and his angels with baby ears around their necks. They'll need to keep that mess in its own universe - Lucifer gets back out and goes back to the way he is before taking off with Jack? That sets up The Scorpion and the Frog, the way you said, with Jack deciding if he's going to follow his Dad's nature or not. Here are the episode titles for 13.01 - 13.09, 13.16 according to SpoilerTV [url][/url] 1. Lost and Found 2. The Rising Sun 3. Patience 4. The Big Empty 5. Advanced Thanatology 6. Tombstone 7. War of the Worlds 8. The Scorpion and the Frog 9. The Bad Place 16. Scoobynatural I would like this if I could. lol Is it vital to the story or does Sam get a shirtless scene? ;) I think it's Michael. I'm pretty sure I read that the Michael in the AU where Lucifer is will be worse than Lucifer. Or Cas becomes Death or a reaper? How can TPTB be this out of touch? There've always been some problems, but this is almost twilight zone levels of wrong. I don't even know what to think anymore. And apparently Dean thinks Mary is dead and wants to leave it, while Sam has to convince him that she might not be dead and that they should try to save her? That is like total destruction of the cornerstone of Dean's character. I mean after the decline of his being able to show off his badass skills last season and this, all they're leaving him with is his sex drive and eating habits to be played for a joke. On top of arguing over saving Mary being this season's brotherly angst, they have Sam pontificating that Dean should give the nephilim a chance instead of just going for the kill first ask questions later option. Why does that have to be a thing at all? If a monster hasn't killed, then Dean doesn't kill the monster . . . And it seems clear to me that while Jack isn't born evil, he will eventually have to become evil or fade into the ether like Amara did. They can't have someone as powerful as Jack on their side throughout the duration of the show, or there would be no show unless it's all about teaching Jack right from wrong, because Jack will just kill whatever they hunt for them. The hate for this season is so high for me right now, and it hasn't even started yet. [quote]Dean has been a parent to a snotty teen! We know this, he knows this, Sam knows who did the hard part raising him. This makes me worried that basically this season is going to be Lucifer going to the boys for parenting tips.[/quote] Oh, as bad as I expect it to be, I don't think Lucifer will be going to them for parenting advice. It would go against Jack basically being under the Winchester's custody, something that's necessary for the entirely unnecessary message of them being parents in season 13. I'm sure Lucifer will get his claws in Jack toward the end of the season or maybe even the back half, but it can't happen until after he gets out of the AU. And I'm sure that at that point, he'll find Jack with no problems, because the bunker is no different than any other house, and they'll never leave it, so then it will be that the Winchester's parenting will be put to the test, but I don't think he'll be going to them for advice, more likely he'll be trying to undo what they've taught Jack, after Jack destroys Michael (because heaven forbid the Winchesters actually do anything important in their own show, and more importantly Dean have anything to do with any Michael) - which all just sounds so blech.