MovieChat Forums > ganglof2

ganglof2 (5)



Completely agree. I read that article and literally tossed my magazine on the ground when I read "we had to figure out what Luke was doing on that island" when the new director took over. Abrams and co had no plan when they completed the first one (or if they did, they didn't bother to share it with the new makers), which is just so disappointing for a franchise that always intended to return with three movies. I truly don't understand how you could go about creating a trilogy and decide to only layout the story for the first movie. The whole article made me so much less excited for what's to come. I'm white. I didn't find this movie uncomfortable or racist anymore than I would find "The Hills have Eyes" or any other film that depicts a crazy family. Chris was a good character, not hateful toward white people (clearly he loved his girlfriend) and the film didn't make any kind of statement that "all white people are like this." It was a crazy cult. I enjoyed the movie. Great thread! I worked at Regal Cinemas for several years. Best: Free movie tickets. Starting out, we got 4 tickets a day, which was amazing. Regal then changed it to 2 tickets a day, which was still nice. You could go to any Regal and request tickets for relatives on days that you were working. Working at the box office were the best shifts. Worst (longer list): Management was pretty strict at Regal. You were yelled at if you were "standing around talking" even when there were no customers and nothing to work on. Cleaning was priority and they would tell us that we could always be cleaning something so you always had to be looking down sweeping and could barely ask the person next to you how they were doing if you weren't on your break. When I started, if you were getting ready to clean a theater and it let out in 10 minutes, you used to be allowed to stand in the back and watch the end of the movie. You could get fired if you did that now at Regal. The managers were not paid well (10/hour) and they were very miserable, which they then took out on lower level staff. Concessions was the worst. I'd be so gross at the end of the day between cheese and butter stains. Was very common to be on your knee's on the dirty floor. Customers were always upset about the prices and wait time. You weren't given any discounts on anything during break besides popcorn and soda. The way they handled upset customers. We would have a customer come in and express disappointment that they could not use a restricted pass on a new movie. If they politely asked to speak to a manager, they would be told of the policy and not given anything. If they yelled and screamed and swore at employees or threatened to take this up with corporate, they would be let into the movie for free AND given free passes. Being unreasonable and disrespectful was awarded there. It's a good film. I wonder thought if the creators are kicking themselves for not having Idina Menzel sing in it though. She undoubtedly has the best voice and obviously her Frozen song was a huge hit. I could imagine a plot line where she somehow accidentally goes to the fairy tale world. Amy Adams was 33 year's old when Enchanted came out and became very famous after. She's proof that 33 is not too old to become an A-lister. View all replies >