pankoeken's Replies

Eggplants You are either his mom or his boyfriend. He's a generic white millennial. There are literally thousands of other homely birts just as "talented" as that guy within walking distance of his flat. Damn fam. Set your goals higher than that. Unless you're an insecure pseudo intellectual, Russian movies are usually painfully dull and a chore to sit through. Me too. It will still be better than any mcu movie. It will still be better than any mcu movie. wanna be thug white kids are lame was real popular Silly white kids that NEVER interact with black folks sure do think so. My friend Trantorious is a person of color and he told me they were. I am white. No. Gay WAS the new black but now thanks to Black Panther and of course Get Out Black is the new Black again. Trantorious told me this since I am white and wouldn't have known without the input of a person of color. Are you a gay fish? I will watch the Oscars with my friend Trantorious tonight and we will cheer when Get Out wins. I am white. Who else thinks Get Out is the most important movie of all time? Well Black Panther may be but Get Out is tied, Meh. I watched it and it was nothing special With the reports of QT abusing women on his sets and his ODD opinion that it's okay to drug and rape children are you still so eager to suck his balls? I'm sure you will make more excuses for him. You creepy loners that think it's okay to punish women for your insecurity always stick together. WOW! You seriously don't see what an incredible hypocrite you are do you? You are hilariously pathetic. Stamps are put on letters not food. It's sadly telling about white liberal mentality that when a person of color dares break from the hive mind, he is instantly accused of not being black. Wait a minute. I'm his clone? I was here first so how does that work? As a white, I prefer not to offend people of color but what race are clones exactly? Is it okay to ask that question? kuku why do you hate anyone that is not a white? Why do you think it's a joke for a white which I am to enjoy Get Out and to have a person of color as a friend? You should see Get Out and absorb it's message. Also don't be a hated. I think that is the proper way to call people like you. I have seen it with my firend Trantorious who is a person of color. He said the director of Get Out was one of the guys but I'm not sure if he was making a joke or throwing the shade. I just smiled and said "for real?" which is what I do when I am not sure if Trantorious is joking with me. He is a person of color so our jokes are different but his is funny too. I am white. I liked the guys in movie had a kitten. People say that people of color only have those dogs that bite and kill children but it's not true. I like Keanu who is an actor but it was also the cats name. Thank you for telling me about the movie. Allah be praised for your kindness. If the other white would see Get Out like me and you they can be changed also.