MovieChat Forums > astateofmind

astateofmind (19)


My main problem with the movie View all posts >


The first hour the movie was not that good, more like bad. But then ... the stair fight scene happened and it raised the final mark, for me, with 2 points. I would say that the last 30 mins of the movie were actually pretty good. And the way the action scenes were filmed was different, as in way better. That stairs scene is one of the best fight scenes, like ever - for me. Clearly not every KGB agent knows the identity of the Satchel ... otherwise they would not need the list. Percival, like Bakthin, wanted a personal gain from the list, maybe selling it. Theron was the Satchel. Again, most of those are far from the wrestler archetype ... they more look like regular guys that go to gym 3 times a week. And there are plenty of action stars that don't look like that - Bruce Willis being one of them - even Mel Gibson in Mad Max is far from the picture you posted. So NOT EVERY male action hero is pumped. i hope you do know the biologically it's impossible for women to look like Arnold or the Rock. tbh i'm happy that people are starting to fight back this non-sense ... Ffs, read again what you quoted: "every ... action hero has a strong physique ... at least bulk her up like a professional wrestler" Not sure who has problems with reading comprehension: action hero. ACTION hero. Iko Uwais IS an action hero without looking like a wrestler. "Action hero: The archetypal action hero or heroine is the protagonist of an action film or other entertainment which portrays action and adventure." And i said that in order to be athletic a person does NOT need to be bulked up. I can find pictures of tennis players that are NOT muscular, for example. And i gave you examples of individuals that are not bulked up like wrestlers and are believable as action figures. That was a quote from another source. But in some countries you can be an officer after a short training if you had a college degree before joining. Maybe it's the same for israeli forces. Unbelievable for you maybe. But it is canon. So maybe it was more important to respect canon than having a female hulk as the character. does he look buffed to you? I would say that he is far from a strong, bulked up physique. Did you skip this while reading? it was on your quote: "at least bulk her up like a professional wrestler". Wanna compare a male professional wrestler like the rock to Iko? Can you see the difference between the rock and iko? Want to say that iko doesn't fit in The Raid because he is not as muscular as the rock? Who said she was an officer? And btw, if you talk about ignorance maybe you should try and see how muscular WW was in the original comics. She wasn't. And neither was Linda Carter. My comment was in response to how the super heroes need to be super muscular and heavy weight to be taken seriously. Those mentioned although in great shape are far from the "hulk smash" superhero type that was promoted by the OP (professional wrestler?). it's funny that you mention Gal Gadot trainer in the list of people that have a different way of looking at fitness and strength. Plus she served in the israeli military as a combat trainer - "she revealed that the grueling physical training she underwent prior to filming wasn't nearly as demanding as what she experienced as an army officer." Btw, i do hope you realize the difference in physical aspect between the same person before and after 2h of gym or effort? yeah, like bruce lee, or Jet Li or jackie chan, all of them are so strong and big and muscular ... even Iko Uwais ... he is SOOO BIG AND STRONG ... 5'5" tall, soo big :D View all replies >