MovieChat Forums > sawzaw

sawzaw (68)


I’m passed off this got… Cofefe Is Top gun a remake of this? What did I miss! Why does everyone call each other... The back and forth is actually... Vocal fry Looks like Gosh darn it! You people are so critical! What’s with her voice? Also... View all posts >


Nice. I can’t think of a favourite scene. The whole movie is a favourite scene. 😄 Oh, and watch army of one. Sheer brilliance! Have you watched Pig yet? I’ve watched nothing but his movies for weeks…it all started with Pig. I’ve watched nothing but Nicolas Cage movies for WEEKS! Some I’ve already seen, some I haven’t. I’ve skipped around from early stuff to his AWESOME latest stuff. I could be here all day… He’s the man. I love him…I totally new appreciation for him and his style. Anyway, I still have many to go ( I may skip a few) and I’m finding it hard to find some - getting lucky though. I’d watch him knitting as well. He was a bad ass. He was timing himself have a break, just like Tex told him too. Richard Gere is a brilliant actor. 🙄😒 🤦🏼‍♀️ You haven’t been paying attention. A squished face brad Pitt View all replies >