MovieChat Forums > hummie

hummie (4)


same problem as the dark knight View all posts >


It's very good. I would say it's a superhero movie for people who don't like superhero movies. If you want something "very comic book," stick to Marvel Studios films. Logan was more realistic. I don't think there was cursing just for cursing's sake or to be edgy. It was cursing like how real people curse in real life. There were only a couple of goofs in the whole movie that might've taken you out of the moment if you were really paying attention /see those types of things. You can definitely enjoy this film without having seen any previous X-Men film with only shallow knowledge of X-Men in general. Overall, my initial impression was 10/10, rethinking what I saw was 9/10, and with the test of time I think it's a solid 7.5-8. It was really just a plot device in order to kill Charles in a meaningful way, introduce clone!Logan and kill Caliban (stop them from tracking real!Logan and Laura... remember, they only found them in N. Dakota because Laura had left her picture in the house with the coordinates). What I really didn't see coming was the dad surviving his initial assault then running his truck into clone!Logan. That was cool. It's clear that Disney hired Emma Watson to scoop up existing fantasy fans who are already her fans because of Harry Potter. Not a crime, but I feel Disney should have hired an actual French actress, not just a well known actress already bringing a fan base with her name recognition. I don't care if she was born in France. View all replies >