Xenopharb's Replies

I agree. Releasing on HBOMax was a bad idea. They cannibalized their audience. I think all of those premonitions of her just looking into the camera didn't do her any favors. I would have liked to see those scenes more blurry, distorted, dark, and not just an obvious movie cut. I did not particularly enjoy the Lynch version. I did, however, enjoy the Sci Fi channel version - even with obvious budget limitations and a few wooden actors. Dune (2021) is fine so far, but the actors sometimes look like they are just going through the motions. When I read the books, I don't recall thinking everyone was so stale and stoic other than the mentats. The United States went into Iraq for oil. If you don't believe so, you are naive and misinformed. It was lie after lie after lie. Bush, and his administration, lied about WMD, lied about yellow cake uranium from Africa, lied about Iraq links to Al-Qaeda, and covered for the many Saudi connections to 9/11. They thought they could use WMD as a pretext for invasion because the United States and its NATO allies had supplied Iraq with WMD during the Iran-Iraq war. It was all a big disinformation campaign, and quoting the NY Times, who were fed and printed that propaganda, is not credible as a source. "Bush lied, and people died." Ari Fleisher is a political spin master and an outright liar to the press. Is he your trusted source? The intel was that Iraq may still have some of the WMD weapons that the United States and NATO countries sold him during the Iran-Iraq war. In any case, that was a red herring. They didn't go to war for WMD; they went to war for oil. This government lied about WMD, lied about yellow cake uranium from Africa, lied about Iraq links to Al-Qaeda, and covered for the many Saudi connections to 9/11. "Bush lied, and people died" is no myth. And those Neoliberals in the Democratic Party all wanted the war too, so they were no better. I know this is an old post, but I just saw the film. I thought Gomez did a good job with her character. I took a bus trip across country when I was in high school, and I sat next to a girl who was just like her. It was pretty spot on in my opinion. It isn't like she was given a prime leading role with a ton of depth to act with. He did not play Hitler. He played an imaginary friend of a little boy who idolized Hitler. This was how the young boy imagined Hitler. It was almost a caricature of him. LOL! I get it. Yeah, it was Yvonne Strahovski all along. She's been in a lot of movies and shows lately. The Kominsky Method without Arkin was a shell of its former self. Let me guess, you live in a small town in Kansas. The ending was ... good, but it was rushed and choppy. There should have been another season to tie up the lose ends and conclude the main conflicts. Then again, another season without Alan Arkin, who I thought played the best character, may not have been good. Everyone watching in my household thought the same thing. On the other hand, we don't know any other conversations they may have had previously about either of their health issues. The Neoliberals in charge are just as pro-Wallstreet and Pro-Military Industrial Complex as the Neoconservatives before them. They close our borders, put kids in the same cages, and run them through our same courts while using immigrant labor like slaves. They have secret FISA courts, secret surveillance programs, and jail whistle blowers. They use the corporate owned media to pit the people against themselves rather than the wealthy establishment. What don't you like about them? They are two sides of the same coin, and neither are in your pocket. My wife's uncle was murdered by the Schutzstaffel in a concentration camp. You are completely ignorant. That is a reach. I guess you want a religious fascist state. We don't need Christian Ayatollahs telling us what to do, how to think, and what to say. Congress still does it, and Trump ignored most laws anyway. Both Biden and Trump allowed their family to grift, and all of the "speaking fees" money is really just a payoff for services rendered. The CGI looks bad because it uses dull grey instead of the stark contrast of space. I have mentioned this on several forums. The "left"? Who is that? Corporate mainstream media is anything but left. They are very capitalist and either Neoliberal or Neoconservative. The "left" didn't loot and destroy cities. Most of that is outsiders, criminals, and agent provocateurs. Fascist is what right wing reactionaries that use the police state, media, and surveillance to control the people are. That is what America has become. No? No what? They all do it. They are all corrupt and paid off by the same people. Have you seen the casting scenes for Star Wars? Harrison Ford was by far the best actor, and he was not even there for the part. Yeah, he has a style that doesn't always fit, but what do you want him to be? Other great actors have their own style too.