The LA Baker's Replies

I meant "void" as in the person I was replying to would never get a notification. It sure seems like it. I enjoyed reading that rant. What, exactly, is your point? The English prefix tri-, derived from both Greek and Latin, means “three.” Some common English vocabulary words that contain this prefix include triathlon, trio, and triangle. How does three become x3? Make it make sense. I understand what you are saying. I am saying it is wrong and stems from ignorance. He was not racist. Full stop. "...despite him supposedly just being an ordinary dad (albeit one who had experienced scary situations before). He was more than that. He was the UN's top crisis solver/evacuating guy. His title or actual occupation are never really clear. Only that he is/was the guy to send to help in the absolute worst and most dangerous situations. The only people who cared about Gerry were people of authority who then delegated that care to others. People not related to that chain of command did not care about Gerry, <i><b>except</b></i> for the pilot(s). I always suspected, and hoped, there was a cut scene that involved Gerry somehow making official arrangements to get on that plane, but the pilots agreed not to wait and started taking off without him only for him to show up just in time. Otherwise, stopping the plane, let alone letting them board, seems extraordinarily unlikely in reality, and plots/stories that make sense. Ronin has a really good car chase. This thread is great. OP is a master troll. lol They are so dense. "Climate change denier" is what they label people who think "anthropogenic climate change is not going to end the world or even be a huge problem". Just like with all of their "data", they have to lie and distort reality in order to make any sense at all. Ancient? Geez... Way to make a guy feel his age. I love this post. You brought together a couple contentions I had in a way that makes perfect sense. Thank you for your insightful post. I will be using your ideas in conversations. They can't. They have nothing but headlines to back up their claims. It is amazing how much the media distorts the facts. Have you watched it yet? If not by this point I will assume you are not going to. :) Not-guilty, too! Not-guilty! That redsfan001 person deleted all of their moronic posts about Kyle. lol. I was legit scared if he was going to be convicted. It would set a very dangerous legal precedent. Complete vindication was a nice surprise, especially after what they did to Derek, the cop who was restraining a violent criminal named Floyd who, unbeknownst to Derek, was overdosing on a massive cocktail of illegal drugs. The restraint he was using was a textbook restraint according to that department's policies, too. Kyle was found to be not-guilty. Kyle Rittenhouse was found to be not-guilty. The person we were replying to deleted their account. I am guessing they matured a bit and realized how moronic they were previously.