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IMDb_Sucks (67)


Continuity. Is this show all about becoming Police Officers? Who would you rather see first: Kraven or Mysterio? Did anyone ask for this reboot? I would much prefer Ron Perlman return. If the Purge were real, wouldn't it only last one night? If Michael Keaton didn't want to return, would you be okay with a recasting? They only signed Keaton for one movie? The Shocker; What happened? Scorpion; "Do you know the definition of insanity?" Things That Were Wrong with the Movie [Spoilers] View all posts >


Yeah, I like to think that Vulture isn't over Spidey yet, just chose to keep his identity to himself, maybe as a way of saying "I'll be the one to get him" or maybe saying "He saved my life, so he gets one..." Either way, I want to see Vulture return alongside the Sinister Six. Hopefully, starting with this movie, they can start making realistic and appropriate casting choices. Daniel Dae Kim would be perfect for the role. But will Abe Sapien make an Appearance? And I liked how Johann Krauss turned out in the second movie. One thing that I remember though, didn't Ego choose to show up to all the other Aliens in the image of Kurt Russel instead of taking on an appearance closer to the species? I remember him showing those models, and they're all images of Human Ego cuddling up with various Aliens. Flash Thompson in name only. If you're complaining about Michael Keaton as the Vulture... They could've gone older. Let's see... We have Vulture...Two Shockers, and the Tinkerer, who probably won't fight Spidey... I guess that is technically 3 villains, even though it is really four. And, I bet Donald Glover is working for the bad guys too, but he'll probably end up being Hobbie Brown and reforming. If it were one or two, maybe... There were too many to be false. Doubtful, though chances of Carnage are high. Seeing as this was Uwe Boll, I would have expected it to be based on the video game... Would have been a better use of his time, even if it did ruin another game... Instead of glorifying mass murderers. Just like any movie franchise Hollywood is trying to kick off before the first movie is even out. They need to to wait and see if people actually want more before they plan so far ahead... Marvel was smart with their Cinematic universe, but too many people are forcing their way to kick starting a franchise. They should stick to that one idea I remember reading somewhere, where they are thinking of making a joint Universe for many of the video games... Just Cause, Hitman, Tomb Raider, Deus Ex and Thief are all planned to be in the same movie universe... Could you imagine Lara Croft teaming up with Agent 47 and Rico Rodriguez? I could see it happen... Although, Thief takes place in the past, and Deus Ex takes place in the Future, so I doubt Garrett and Adam Jensen/JC Denton could show up... And no offence to Thief, but I'd rather see a Dishonored movie... And maybe a new Far Cry movie reboot that stays far away from Uwe Boll. View all replies >