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sslssg (29684)


Congrats to thesamoanjoke 7000! Watch party chat (spoilers obviously) Kowalski...62% of first page on GD Issues hitting reply? Miss May Does Not Exist Would you rather? AGT Golden Buzzer No Context What was a movie that you never expected to like... Season 1 Ep3 View all posts >


That was fun That tracks. Older brothers can really be mean Lol...are you older or younger? we can help Joey! Lol...why was Robert Stack so terrifying??? I mean he wasn't supposed to be....but hearing his voice....shudder. I remember this Poltergeist like scene. Kind of terrifying as an adult too. I'm not talking about surgery. That is a different topic completely. I'm talking about having respect for other people. If it's an illness find a cure. Is it a mental illness? I don't know. I know I don't treat people with other mental illnesses with the same distain. If it helps someone not want to hurt themselves, or kill themselves, then I will do it. I will not apologise for that. I don't understand what they are going through, but I'll be damned if I contribute to whatever hell they are going through. I swear I've seen this before, but I don't really remember all of it. View all replies >