MovieChat Forums > Microwave_Jellyfish

Microwave_Jellyfish (8)


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Necro-ing after 4 years and the death of the IMDb boards, with a faint hope he'll see it. A 14-year long search just ended thanks to this random fella who commented a link on that youtube upload about half an hour ago: Best thing: it's most definitely a full song. With complete lyrics. Love it. It's not even nearly as bad as your description suggests. Definitely not the same category as the G'2014 home transfers. Personally I still haven't made friends with the visual direction here, especially the generic-ass over-saturated color grading and the somewhat baffling CGI moments (the way Godzilla moves now, without any resemblance of actual weight or that "I'm too old for this shit, but still more badass than any other living creature on this planet" attitude he conveyed in the first movie, is especially disheartening), and I could really use a plot that's slightly less inspired by Carnosaur of all things, but hey. It's still potentially [b]the[/b] Godzilla movie we've been waiting for for decades now. Come opening day, I'll be there, hyped and ready. 5: the two comic relief-ish cops. When they were shooting the shit about lunch in the car, I was immediately reminded of that other pair from part five. Only thing missing was the out of place goofy music/sfx. Tell 'em, Cecil. [url][/url] Hey, thanks! It's so nice getting recognized like that. That board was something unique even back in those days, but yeah, it's weird how much the whole "online movie discussion" experience has changed. Makes you wonder how long proper forums' are going to last, before it's all just politically conscious Facebook and YT comments all over the place. Personally I can't even bare the thought of a Mothra appearance without the fairies. Imagine if, say, GMK tried to pull something like that. Or Destroy All Monsters - a 50-year-old heresy is what we'd refer to it as today, definitely not a classic. Jesus. Aye. View all replies >