
knwr (15)


Unique premise but overall misses the mark. The cop car at the end... View all posts >


I can't remember requiem to comment on the ambiguity of its end, but I know black swan and the wrestler the main character die in both. It is quite obvious, especially in black swan, and regarding the wrestler he made a reddit comment saying "he obviously died." I think Pi is the one film where he doesn't die, making it actually different from the rest. Did you just compare Denis to Zach Snyder? I'm gonna let you just suffer your existence out in peace while I enjoy this movie and the rest of life. P.S. it was a great film, too bad you won't get to see it. You are wrong. I would ask you to explicitly define these words and explain how the movie does not fit the definition, but someone already has done this work for you. Anyways, this stance you've taken is just ridiculous... I'd rather not continue this conversation. He is right though. You are confining the definition of these words on your own accord. Also, I don't think people go on to make something new in the hopes to satisfy definitions like this. Either what they did works, or it didn't work, and you get to argue why you think one way or the other. I think it's pretty boring to say that it is wrong because it doesn't fit a definition that you have. They didn't shut the boards down because there were trolls... They'd still be up as read only if that was the case. They didn't want to financially support the server space. The troll comment they released was to move the blame so people wouldn't direct their anger towards them. It worked pretty well because I see people everywhere who think message boards are shut down because of trolls. Doesn't even make sense but people buy it. Yea, I figured that out in another thread. I didn't know TSA cars had lights like that I just checked, it does say "Airport" on the side. My bad--thanks for pointing that out! I seen the movie, you can just preface a statement with "spoiler" if you're afraid to give something away. "similar situations were taking place in Alabama." Can you expand on this? There is nothing on the wiki page that alludes to this, other than the fact that it was shot in Alabama. The part I didn't like was the cop car. How did the TSA guy get a cop car? it doesn't even make sense... View all replies >