lordofthething's Replies

Mischief, no contest. The intro scene was enough to certify that. Well, they were a part of the whole scheme too. The son's voice over at the end states that he heard the words forgery, trespassing, foul play, self defense in the courtroom, but were lucky to get away with probation. Yep, that was him alright. I re-watched it (probably for the 5th time) yesterday and man the movie still holds up outstandingly well. It's sort of become my defacto Christmas movie. All the time I watched it, I had a big smile of my face. Just looking at the way the movie was presented makes me want to be in UK during Christmas. Feels so lively! Mischief, for sure. She looks absolutely gorgeous in that intro scene with the pink dress. Even if they are revived physically, we don't know how their memories would be retained. I'm assuming the amount of damage done would effect their operational functions. These are sentient synth's and as such would have their own unique memories/traits. Unless, there is a way to replicate them, I don't see how a synth can be revived in it's entirety. Glad to hear that. The latter episodes really flesh out the characters like Zahid, Paige & Evan. Just finished binge watching the second season and dam it was even better than the first season. What an amazing show. Truly one of Netflix's more heart warming shows available right now. I just finished (re)watching it for, I don't know, the 10th time I think. I love how they used to make such carefree comedy movies like this which had heart to it. It's so sad that Farley passed away. This movie still puts a smile on my face. San Junipero. Without a shadow of a doubt, this has to be my personal best episode in this entire show. I have re-watched it 3 times already and still can't seem to get it out of my head. The whole setting of the episode, the amazing OST, brilliant acting, the concept and cinematography just makes it a perfect self-contained episode of Black Mirror. Story - I'd say Jamie & Aurelia. Very subtle and heart warming story. The end did slightly over-the-top on it, but I'd still say it was pretty good. Character(s) - I'd have to instantly pick 2; Colin Frissell & Billy Mack. Both were the comedic relief this movie required. I lost count of how many times I have rewatched Colin's trip to America part; it's absolutely hilarious. Bill Nighy nailed his role and the intro with his 'Christmas is all around me' song sets the movie up splendidly. Love this movie & I mostly end up doing a re-watch every Christmas. Honestly, I'd like to know this as well. They are possibly the best kept secret throughout the show and always been so mysterious. There is almost very less explored about their past, origins, intentions etc. For an enemy who have been hyped throughout the show, I think their lore needs to be given a better presentation. For anyone who have read the books, how much of it has George Martin covered? The office. Agreed. They should be able to pull off another season, but I don't see this show going anywhere beyond it. The concept and the content it can offer is very restrictive, in terms of it's longevity. I feel one short season (says 8 episodes) should be sufficient for a full closure. But going by the ratings, it doesn't seem to have made a major impact on Netflix, even with Naomi Watt's presence. So would be interesting to see how it works out, especially amidst this new cancellation spree that Netflix is on. I believe it was to depict the total control she had achieved in all the lives she had messed with. Whilst her anti-bullying speech is being delivered, the ramifications of her actions are being shown with Sam & Allison's fate. The whole speech turned out to be a proper metaphor (of sorts) of Jean being the bully. She manipulated & pushed her way into her patient's lives, drew them in and established dominance over them. You could literally see them being so dependent on her. Sam had almost made it out, but then got pulled back in. Though we didn't get a full background on Melissa Saugraves, I'm certain that it was a similar scenario and that Jean had some part in the arson incident (hint: her conversation with Claire). She would have probably driven Melissa to commit the whole act & pushed the blame on her. Melissa wanted to break free from her, but reconciles in the end, despite how awfully she was treated. Essentially, Jean created a whole new persona for herself (Diane Heart) who leads a different life and is a complete opposite from her usual character; a good wife, friend & mother. This new persona overlaps her regular life and that's where things begin to fall apart. The ending was, in my estimation, to reflect on how her consequences as having this alternate side affected everyone around her and eventually, Jean to finally take ownership by apologizing and trying to make amends. The smile at the end would be her realization of the level of control she had achieved & that, in some way, was satisfying. You mean when she notices Sidney at the end of her speech & smiles? It's Hye-Hwa Kim. You can find her listed as Mi-Cha in IMDB credits for Sense8. Hiya Laurie! Grown adults can most certainly filter themselves just as well as they can choose to express it. For me, personally, I don't like censorship of any form. This is what IMDB had imposed and seeing it removed over here was a welcome change. Hence, my test post (so to speak). Pardon my language, if it has offended you. Dam! This site has no profanity filter. Fuck yeah! A long time user of IMDB here. Glad I found this website. It's probably the next best alternative I have found to IMDB boards. Hope it grows.