MovieChat Forums > Nevereclipsed

Nevereclipsed (15)


They kind of got what they deserved. Any time frame in years? Guesses? Did she really not change until she got back to the White House? An interesting replacement. View all posts >


too happy. but it would have been nice though. I thought the acting was great. Execution pretty good. The scene with that reactor was a little cheesy. It just had plot holes and was too dark at times. It's hard to say because it took him a year to do it. I don't know if I would have woken up a hottie. I probably would have found a crew member capable of explaining the situation. Although once you think it through you're trapped with that person for the rest of your life. Maybe the hottie. The amount of time that's passed, it doesn't correlate. They're living in a world where this has been done so often, like there's a constant communication with the two planets, not with 120 years of space travel between them. And I don't see why it would be financially viable to colonize the second planet if it's so hard to travel to and from it, not to mention selling tickets for the ride, I don't see how that would be profitable given the cost of it. Eh. A lot of plot holes. Still a fun movie though. Eh neither of those were bombs, just not huge hits. This movie was good, hard to tell if it made it's budget back, but it got some attention, people liked it. I was gonna roll my eyes, and still want to, but you do have a point it would be unacceptable for the gender roles to be reversed for that scene. I'm about half way through definitely the right psychology. They could have picked him for a mark to try and save the ship. that's better than waking up the girl he wants to bang. So fat that's about how I feel. Natalie is good, but something isn't grabbing me. The story line is too choppy and vague. They had plenty of time to get him in there. Jennifer did mention him but his picture could have been there. If not then next year? He has to be in one he was in Titanic for god's sake. View all replies >