Gioia221's Replies

Seriously? The guy ruined all the life of his family. If it would be my dad an mom I would've done the same. I don't care how you spin this, he's still a fucking asshole. Money isn't everything in this world and the Mc brothers knew that. Then suddenly some shark comes in their midst and takes everything from them (oke, they got 1.4 mil out if it but they never wanted that!). Money = evil and that is shown over and over again. Yeah, I loved that last part haha. So weird but funny Why aren't we seeying also the future Albert? Like in episode 1? Even though the young Albert is great, I want to see Geoffrey Rush. He was amazing in episode 1! Also from imdb, would be great if we could get a rating here as well. Maybe for the future. But I really liked the film :D Thought John Goodman and Samuel were great!! Everybody else was meh 😕 But they did Kong absolutely magnificent, great work on that :D