MovieChat Forums > Rich_UK

Rich_UK (25)


Continuity The arm thing How did he get out of prison so fast? View all posts >


His son turning him in is what I’ve been thinking is going to happen, but then there has to be a showdown with Catherine, maybe Ryan will kill him to save his gran. Where did you watch it? I watched it ‘elsewhere’ and assumed it had been accidentally uploaded with the descriptive audio for blind switched on. Must admit I found it a bit slow and boring, like an extended episode of Vikings, but not as good. Maybe, to a tailor, sorry a cutter. It won’t matter because she’ll be in jail as the real tape has her confessing to murder. If Jenifer Lawrence & Hayden Panettiere had a baby… Doug? Future people couldn’t go back and wait, they mentioned in the movie that all the visitors from the future were young, because they needed to have been born after the time of their visit as they can’t occupy the same timeline, same as the people from the past sent into the future had all died before the time they were being sent to. I’m an agnostic dyslexic, I’m not convinced my dog is real. That was a serious question by the way not me being snarky, not saying you took it that way just after reading it back I think it could’ve been taken the wrong way. From past movie/TV experience when someone is immortal, which I assume she is, if they lose a limb it grows back. View all replies >