MovieChat Forums > StoneKeeper

StoneKeeper (21352)


What did you chemicals watch this week? (04/21-04/27) 🎥MovieChat MovieClub Event: Friday/Saturday Features #47🍿 I know who AngryViking is!!! What did you hot maniacs watch this week? (04/14-04/20) 🎥MovieChat MovieClub Event: Friday/Saturday Features #46 🍿 🎥 StoneKeeper's Movie Guessing Game: I recommend THIS Movie #2385 (Slumber party massacre…Fred wins) What did you fellers watch this week? (O4/07-04/13) CLOSED 🎥MovieChat MovieClub Event: Friday/Saturday Features #45 🍿 What did you watch this week big? (03/31-04/06) Not great, not bad either View all posts >


Just promoting my weekly thread to the newbies. Quit looking at me like that. Let me know what you thought. Most peeps gave it a 8 or higher. I’m unfortunately not quite there. Here was my review: I’ve been a fan of Brody ever since The O.C. and it makes me happy to see him as a lead for once. He did a great job plus the movie was good! I personally found that the “shocking final twist” didn’t affect me as it did others but I really enjoyed the dark, deadpan style of humour. The story, when you put it all together, is just sort of normal and okay. I’d compare it to a weekly episode of Columbo or something like that. My rating: 7/10 Holy shit, you guys are way too high for me!! Smooch smooch 💋💋 You’d need a keg. We want a picture of you. The REAL you! It doesn’t take much for me to get really high and if I smoke too much, I pass out. Even after 18 years bender! Ok you need to invite me soon. I’ll bring the weed. I’ll take that as a mfftshhklpl View all replies >