MovieChat Forums > Daijahv

Daijahv (13)


These kids... So...Kim's hiatus Lexi's Death View all posts >


YES! I was coming here to say this exact thing. I don't understand how or why she was thrown in the center of everyone and, like Clay, had to know EVERYTHING about EVERYONE like it was her business. That annoyed me about Clay. Constantly in everyone's business and now there are two of them and she just came out of nowhere with her nosiness. Very true. I know Candy called him "Little Devil" but it sounded mostly kidding. Still, I wonder if he may have told her the truth as he did Linda. In which case she wouldn't be shocked he survived being shot. As for Ella, her waiting in the wings for her moment to strike, all those shots (the ones at Lucifer first and foremost) should have already had her running to his aid so that is also a little strange. Then he fired at least four more times at the mirrors on stage before she came in to stop him. LOL. Honestly, I like to turn my brain off for the logic with a lot of shows these days. LOL I didn't think they were in the room at the time. Candy was backstage and Ella was hiding waiting for her moment to strike. Welcome to the madness. And gotta agree. The soundtrack of this show has become some of my fave playlist tracks. (Even discovered bands I'd never heard of.) This week's promo (S3E7) is a great example of that. I couldn't do it. I'd die within seconds of stepping off the plane. The few times I've flown through the city I was just shivering nonstop. Beautiful city but, man...give me the sun and the beach! Yep, same. The only person that appeared active there was Novastar (for Chicago boards: Ah! I was on the IMDB2 but it was an absolute ghost town for Chicago (aside from Novastar). "Desired state of consent" I just knew that bought him an ass-whooping, was just disappointed Voight let him go. But, I am PRAYING he slips up and teaches another. Anyway, on topic, GO KIM! I've never been a real fan of her character. I enjoyed her partnership with Atwater but, all the bed hopping with partners just put me off. She's a decent cop and I think, like Voight said, proved she can think like they need for the Intelligence unit. Very happy they caught the bastards. Kim was really impressive last night. Edit: Not stalking, but I just realized I've seen you on themoviedb also, Xcalat. Lol. I bounce between both also (obviously). I can't really tell where people are these days (damn you IMDB). I completely agree! I thought the same thing "great, how cliche for them to go the addicted musician route." Hopefully rehab worked for him so we they can drop that storyline. Do it! Take the plunge! Also to add to what Wint3Fir3 said, if you were a fan of Rob Thomas' other show Veronica Mars, there are subtle references to that as well as familiar guest stars, some of which also provides comic relief. View all replies >