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JediJones (235)


My Austin Powers 4 Pitch: Dr. Evil Won Johnny 5 Does a Full Interview in Character in 1988 Drew's Conservative Message to Feminists Live Original Cast Script Read Video Online Ready Player One is One of My All-Time Favorite Movies The All-Time Top-Grossing Scary Movies Questions about Confusing Plot Points (Spoilers) Cast the Adults for Part 2 Stan's Fear MCU Continues its Downward Spiral with Ragnarok View all posts >


James Gunn releases one still from his Superman movie and it's already in there. Could be like us sending signals out into space. It may take centuries before the signal reaches an alien species. Dialogue like this just sells that scene, "The structure of this roof cap is exactly like the kind of telemetry tracker that NASA uses to identify dead pulsars in deep space." The line just sounds terrific. Has the right dark tone for this point in the movie. The line sounds like something nerds or scientists would say. They say it matter-of-factly, as if everyone there should know exactly what they're talking about. And I have no idea how someone writing a script could come up with a line like that. Did they already know about that stuff before they wrote it? Or did they pore through scientific journals trying to find things that sounded good? He's not necessarily wrong. Beldar was probably his most original character, and the skit seemed to be a huge hit on SNL. He's probably lumping the character, sketches and movie all together in his assessment. I also think that he's never actually admitted he's made a bad movie. He still defends Nothing But Trouble and Blues Brothers 2000. She's a great actress and comedian. She never should've taken this role as I don't think it helped her career at all. I haven't seen the movie, but I at least assume she was the least unwatchable part of it. Her other work has certainly done her reputation more good. Indie directors like to cast her in prestige pics, and she also gets picked for non-comedic roles, a la Bill Murray and Robin Williams. She does seem to have had trouble finding any major hits since Bridesmaids though. To move 1.5 points in one day would take tens of thousands of new reviews. Obviously, that many legitimate reviews did not come in in one day for 5-year-old movie. The framing of the issue means everything. The script could easily be written to make fluorescent bulbs the enemy. The mercury and phosphorus inside fluorescent bulbs is hazardous. If a fluorescent lamp is broken, a small amount of toxic mercury can be released as a gas, contaminating the surrounding environment. The rest is contained in the phosphor on the glass itself, which is often considered a greater hazard than the spilled mercury. When a fluorescent bulb is lit, it scatters light in every direction, or 360 degrees around the bulb. This is grossly inefficient... Researchers have suggested that the UV radiation emitted by this type of lighting had led to an increase in eye diseases, most notably cataracts. Other medical professionals have theorized that retinal damage, myopia or astigmatism can also be attributed side effects of fluorescent light. David Zucker's Wikipedia said he spoke out for things like solar power and electric cars before this movie came out. This movie doesn't hardly make fun of the environmentalist agenda at all. It completely makes these environmental causes the "straight men" and all the jokes are on the other side of the issue. Wes must be a real slave driver. Only thing I'm not clear on is why the terror dogs only activated now if Ivo was doing this stuff decades earlier. Yes, they fought on Groundhog Day and Murray cut off all contact. Ramis wanted to make up, but said he couldn't get any reply from Murray. Murray didn't make up with Ramis until his brother talked him into doing it very soon before Ramis died. Murray did the voice in the GB game only on the condition he could record his lines individually without the other cast members there. So it's pretty clear he had nothing against Ghostbusters. He just never wanted to see Ramis again. And when he'd act on talk shows like he was reluctant to do a sequel, he wasn't being honest about the real reason. View all replies >