MovieChat Forums > MarcTale

MarcTale (85)


[Bit of a spoiler] Mariela Garriga in the lead credits? Flashbacks... Jennifer going full frontal in this... The "landslide" scene. Being at the movies ignoring the alarm A few questions... So Maddie doesn't get in trouble for her multi-recorded pool sex video? [Spoiler] How did CM know...? Major screw-up in Solo - and I don't just mean the movie itself... Major spoiler!!! View all posts >


Having just seen the movie I can tell you: you're wrong. They're not a couple. Spoiler!!!!!! She is alone at first. He starts following her and they become friends.Nothing more. She has cancer and there's no future for her anyway. Oh, and she's not a big fighter either. Not sure what you saw but I saw a shower scene that showed quite some skin. On top of that several scenes of her in bikinis and underwear. For not existing. Otherwise he'd be cruel and perv@rted. Just came out of the theater. I found it ok-ish but the theater was packed and by the end people are clapping and cheering. Basically it was just another skydive/base jump, except it started from a motorcycle instead from an airplane (like in the last movie). And you see similar stunts in movies all the time. I thought using that as a highlight would not get more people to watch it, even if Cruise did it himself. But that's just my cent (not 2)... Definitely Natalie. Not even a contest. The reason is the personality. I dislike Sharona's personality (it seems to come from an evil heart) and looks (the way she dressed especially). Natalie on the other hand always had a good hearted personality. Not even a single bad trait. She's also extremely cute. Go to parking lots on Saturday nights. 100s of kids and adults watching others doing their exhaust pipes. That's the audience... ...he says, walks over to his Laptop and wanks to lesbians... Well, in "X" her panties show the word "Monday". A hint??? Just came out of a showing and have to disagree. The movie was better than expected. And beside a few issues the daughters were actually useful and helpful during the whole time (the review in another post seem to agree). The CGI could have been better but after the horrible CGI in Fall this was actually decent for such a small movie. View all replies >