MovieChat Forums > Goliard

Goliard (1413)


Just Noticed a BIG Error. . . Just Occurred to me: What if Dallas was in on it??!!!?? Entertaining, but last gunfight made No Sense (MILD SPOILERS) About a MILLION Times Better Than Expected Fun But Stupid: Count the Ways Just Occurred to me: How did Maul puzzle the Jedi? FanService, and a missed opportunity Comic With Same Concept Why The Restrictions on Questions???? Entertaining, But Illogical View all posts >


LMAO. . .I knew this topic was gonna be good for some laughs LMAO LMAO: <url></url> You're confused. Nobody's whining; someone is gently trying to explain fairly obvious, fundamental aspects of sound storytelling. Surprise, surprise: you're incapable of grasping these basic concepts. Shrug. You should probably go sit down somewhere: you're embarrassing yourself. Quick hint (Fiction 101): Said universes should still be based in logic/an underpinning of reality. Otherwise it devolves into absurdity. For instance: "gamma rays" turn a guy into a super-strong, raging beast. BUT that doesn't mean water is now dry. Or up is down. Or gravity doesn't exist. Or there's such a thing as "limitless anger." See how that works? Just chiming in to say that's a REALLY well articulated/thought-out analysis. Thx. . .I have hope for reasoned discourse again! Comic silliness aside, that's exactly my point: in the books, he's much MUCH stronger than in the movies. Ehhh. . .Can't resist: the concept of "limitless strength" is simply foolish, dreamed up by confused young(ish) writers a long, Long time ago, and amplified by equally confused fans. What on earth makes anyone think there's such a thing as "limitless anger"??? The idea is ridiculous. Emotions have limits. Like just about Everything Else. To say nothing of the more fundamental issue: WHAT would be driving that emotion? Think about it. (The writers didn't. . .) Comparing MCU characters to their Comic counterparts is nonsensical. Hulk is MUCH less strong; Thor's strength levels are all over the place, Captain Marvel is exponentially more powerful, Drax is exponentially Less powerful, etc, etc, etc. The MCU is its own thing. Have you not been paying attention? Again, your wikipedia research will NOT substitute for real training in the hard sciences. You're Embarrassing Yourself. You don't understand what you're citing, you clearly have no grounding in Any of this, yet you continue to argue. You're a fool. Again: I could continue to pick apart your posts, but it's all of a piece: none of what you babble is correct, and you're too much of an idiot to understand what you're quoting. As evidenced by your inability to understand why I cited Obama, Blake Griffin, Dolezal, Diesel and the others. You have COMPLETELY missed the (rather obvious) point I was making, and as a result are making a fool of yourself. Amusing, but boring at this point. Go sit down, somewhere. Dummy. It's actually fascinating to watch you babble inanities, Completely caught in a whirlpool of stupidity AND ignorance. Wow. Your problem: you simply don't know what you're talking about. Short version: NOTHING you said was true; your desperate desire to be right means nothing in the face of the facts I've explained. Like I said: find someone brighter than you to explain it. Not gonna go point by point and waste time on correcting you; you'd just call it "bs science" and continue babbling inanities. Really: You're embarrassing yourself. View all replies >