
AP (5259)


Did they ever explain Loki's time slipping? Were the Guardians of the Galaxy out of character? Was this show done by Hanna Barrera? Parody Script: X-Men - The Last Stand Parody Script: X2: X-Men United Parody Script: The X-Men Characters that rarely interact Fourth trailer My spoiler-filled review Are they going to mention he's a pederast? View all posts >


I was born in the Boot-heel of Missouri, lived in the Ozarks and then moved to Southern Illinois so I think I qualify as having lived in the country. I see no reason for her actions. The dog could have been given to someone who didn’t hunt pheasants. Or it could have been kept as just a pet. As for your illustration, if a person has a dog killing chickens on the farm, they were likewise given away. I thought it was generally understood in the organization he was meant to take a fall. Butch’s matches are televised and everything so Vince probably recognizes him. As to why that is, Vince is a pretty opinionated guy and likely looks down on bums who take a fall for the mob. I’ve heard there was no official report of any gangs committing ACO-related crimes but rather, it was the media trying to get people to believe entertainment/art causes violence (something that has yet to fully go away). I saw it. My family was on vacation and we watched it in the hotel room. In the show, the documentary wasn’t airing while all this was happening. It came out a year after they stopped filming. I agree. I like Tarantino and this film but I despise people who judge intelligence based on what movies other people like or don’t like. It’s the same energy as people who say “You don’t like the new Star Wars movies? You must be a bigot.” Were there any young dudes attracted to Gemma besides Half Sack? Clay, Nero and Usher were all older dudes so it makes sense that they would be into her. This is because they shot on location. “I'll be honest I've never heard of Madame Web before the movie even though I am slightly into comics.” She never had her own series or anything. She was a side character who mostly showed up every now and then to help Spider-Man solve crimes. She had a larger and much cooler role in the Spider-Man cartoon in the 90s. Anyway, even comic fans were curious why they woukd make a movie about her. View all replies >