carmenjones411's Replies

Susan B Anthony. I don’t think he knows she’s dead. He’s made that mistake before. He really think he’s slick, trying to keep his white women voters. Wtf are u on abt? I'm a straight woman and I love the series! Idk I don't think he's gone for good and there are so many interesting things they can do with the character. It reminds of Phineas Gage who survived a similar accident in the 1800's and it totally changed his character. He went from sweet mild mannered guy to erratic sob over night Ok, it's not for you. Don't watch, it's really that simple. You look ridiculous whining about it here. What do you want us to do, beg and convince you to stay? I think omitting the adults in this film removes the heart and beauty of the actual story. The film was nothing but a kids horror film. There was no substance in it. Wow ... No, just no!! You are spot on with this post. I couldn't have said it better Spot on post! Nobody cares abt Tramp and it's beyond boring reading declarative post after post abt how they are not going to watch the show. It's like they want us to beg and convince them to stay. Bye bitch :-) Ha ha!! Yes it's a really great series! I hate that I binged watched, now we'll have to wait goodness knows how long for season 2 I really love these characters:-) Sadly she's still around but I think this season is going tie up the relationship between she and Sid and hopefully send her packing for good. As a woman I cannot tell u how this series affected me, especially considering our current political climate (sorry if I offend anyone). Just the idea of something like this happening in real life made the series extremely powerful and gripping. Don't quote me but I think the men have wives because the wives were the ones who helped them put Gilead in place. It's all about appearances with these sickos and having wives who are complicit in their quest to "restore order" and populate the earth fits their idealistic image and makes their actions seem less sordid (at least in their minds) remember the people who visited from another country? It's unlikely they would have been so easily fooled by this "civilized" (rolls eyes) society if there weren't wives there to convince them everything was all good. Again this is just my take on it Probably. Look at our election, 53% white American women voted against their self interest, backwoods poor folks who depended on the ACA voted against their own interests now they are all crying and moaning abt the current administration. This show is extremely sobering because I think it would be easy to replicate here. If u tell the dominate culture they would be treated better than minorities, I think they'd gladly turn the US into Gilead. It's scary Joan could be a total piglet based on what I've heard but I've always thought there was something fishy abt Christina's claims, but when it comes to child abuse I never felt comfortable disputing her, I think a lot of people feel like that when it comes to these types of claims. The accused is "guilty" until proven innocent.. I always felt that Christina was jealous of Joan. She lacked her looks and talent and she knew how to push her buttons. Agreed. Although as a Davis fan I was a bit disappointed that the series seemed to be "the Joan Crawford show", I'm actually glad it worked out this way. Maybe Feud can do something to repair the damage that Mommie Dearest did to Joan's memory. Fuher Cheeto is too big of coward to do that. Remember he got of the military because ballet damaged his feet. Ugh he makes me sick! "Now, Voyager" I was a really young girl when I first saw it and for some reason the film Just resonated with me. I've never watched a film where I can still remember the way I felt when I first saw it. Bette Davis is awesome in the film and Charlotte is such a great character:-)