moviebuff00's Replies

every year, the jews who own hollywood need to remind the west of their victimhood. i know he's not suppose to be transsexual. the point is, he looks it. if they wanted us to believe it was a man, that's the most insanely woke shit imaginable. trying to force fed us some agenda like that. if they wanted us to think that was suppose to be an obviously gay man then that could work with the casting choice, but that doesnt make sense in the story neither because dickie wouldnt be seen with such a person. he was talking shit about gay guys at the beach. i feel like there must've been some bullshit woke/nepotistic hirings on this project. the script is sooooooooo stupid that any asshole could've made it better. the scenarios were so implausible that anyone who isnt with a modicum of talent should've seen it. how could that last scene with the inspector even make sense? who could think that could fool anyone never mind someone who is suppose to be a suspicious investigator? you could argue other scenes but that one is indefensible. when i saw that he had to meet the inspector i was so excited thinking they had some super clever ploy for him to get out of it somehow. turns out he did meet him and puts on a disguise. come the fuck on. is it racist that blacks have been targeting asian people all over america since the pandemic? there is no way the majority of viewers or doctor who fans want to watch a gay black guy. nobody does. there is no way this show will do well. after ghostbusters women version got like 100% on rotten tomato, i knew that site jumped the shark completely. i thought she couldn't read after replying to me? are you retarded? i know she knows and i'm doing uno reverse. what's wrong with you? i wrote that before i finished the show. i agree with everything you said. the plot holes really killed my enjoyment of the show. in the movie, the story was highly rational and the jams he gets himself in are seemingly impossible to get out of but he always does. in the show, the solutions don't even make sense so there is no enjoyment from cleverness there. the fact that they cast freddie as a transsexual makes no sense because dickie was homophobic. while it's possible he is a latent homosexual or is knowingly hiding it, he wouldn't be friends with a transsexual. also phillip seymour hoffman was so much more menacing and annoying as freddie. the show fails in so many ways that it makes me wonder how the showrunner even got the job. it's like did they even understand what made the movie good? what if i told you that i don't have to be a virgin or a misogynist to be annoyed that 90% of all movies and tv shows coming out have the same perfect female and incompetent male trope? the only rebuttal your pea brain is capable of is personal attacks. why dont you take a good look at yourself? you're telling me sarah connor is feminine? and what is bidenomics? how did it cause inflation? does inflation happen like in 1 month like it goes from 2% to 10% in 1 month? or do you think it happens slowly like the thing that causes it began 1 year prior. like say during trump's term? lol. no dumbass. there is no high inflation RIGHT NOW. RIGHT NOW. get it? RIGHT NOW. there was high inflation last year. during biden's term, there was 2 years of high inflation. it's not biden's inflation, and during his term, it also came under control again. biden didnt cause the pandemic. he didnt make the entire world stop working. the only way for you idiots to argue against fact is to discredit facts. that's why i'm a bot and mainstream news is lying. think about it for a second. it's fine to copy them but they didn't. sarah connor and ripley began as feminine women but grew to be masculine heroes. that's realistic. feminists dont even want to portray a woman as ever being weak. they start out strong and everyone underestimate them for some reason. the problem with modern portrayal is the woman never grows in strength, she starts strong. the men are all incompetents to make her shine. i mean if they only had a few movies like that, then i wouldnt even say anything but fucking 90% of all movies and shows coming out in 2023 and 2024? what the fuck? politics aside, i want to fucking be entertained too. i want to watch some stories that are actually good. this is way beyond politics, it's just give me something good to fucking watch you misandrist assholes. meanwhile the last 10% for men are retarded movies like the white guy who is a super bad ass assassin/ninja like fall guy or john wick? i can't even believe that brain leak shit is so popular among men now. this is not even to mention the fact that keanu's choreography is loose and terrible to watch. he's no tom cruise bathroom scene in fallout. yea and inflation is 3%. lol. we're going in circles. there is no inflation right now. according to you, i should be mad because an ice cream was 10 cents 30 years ago. it's 2 bucks now. that's 20x inflation!!!! moving the goal post? pathetic. "Biden's inflation" we're talking about biden causing high inflation right? fact is we don't have high inflation and biden did not cause it. end of story. lol. learn to read? what does vagina lead mean? vagina is an adjective here. i dont care if it's trite. you do not know how to calculation inflation. there was very high inflation, almost 10 percent in 2022 but that had nothing to do with biden. it was due to a worldwide supply crunch because everyone stayed home during the pandemic. inflation in 2024 is looking to be annualized around 3%. the fact that grocery prices seemed to have doubled since 2021 doesnt matter. that's not how the inflation rate works. it was high in 2022-2023, it's not high now. stop lying. usa have only given ukraine 45b since the war started. also, this is a war against a world power and not a shit tier conflict like palestian - israel war. "Israel is blessed by God" HAHAHAHAHAH oh my god shut the fuck uppppppp. holy shit. shut the fuck up. lol why do you even bother. he's just a dumb fucking troll and not even a good one.