Greenleaf24's Replies

Well yeah, I know that now, lol. Yep, there were about 30 people in our theater and not single kid or teenager in the audience. We all enjoyed it and it's definitely aimed at adults in a way. Kids will like the "cute" characters but adults will appreciate the message/story and the nostalgia. I HATE that he cheated on his wife as well. However, absolutely go see this movie to support the other actors that did such a great job, on and off screen. It makes me sad. ☹️. I wish this movie would do so much better bc it deserves so much better! Yeah it has a predictable plot and it's simple but that's not the point. It's charming and has a great message and they created the characters voices and personalities perfectly! ☺️ I love that. It really brings the Thor story line full circle. In a very devastating way, haha. Chris Evans "oh, God" was perfect. Very simple but said everything that needed to be said in that moment. Absolutely. The beginning was incredible. The whole theater was silent as soon as we realized what kind of movie this was going to be. It never stopped either. There were funny moments but the heart of the movie was heartbreak, vulnerability, impossible decisions, and the slow realization that they lost this fight. I think they are almost equal bc they both held their own against Thanos. However, only SW was able to truly hold him back so maybe she is slightly more powerful even though Dr Strange has more wisdom and abilities that he's learned over time. She's kind of a super powerful, one trick pony. Agreed, it was incredible and I can't wait for it to come out on dvd! The more I think about it and watch it, the more I like it. I've heard other people say that about Dr Strange as well. It's an intriguing theory. It's going to be a long year. 😞 I loved this movie and I'm seeing it for a second time tomorrow! I'm sure I missed a lot of little details the first time around. There's so much going in! Thanks for sharing and helping us understand his thought process. His reaction makes total sense if you really take the time to put yourself in his shoes. I hope Dr. Strange had a good reason for doing that. I was very upset that he just gave it up so easily! Hopefully we'll find out in the next movie. He sounds exactly like him too. Yes and he lost his father as well. However, he did get his brother back. I think Loki’s character arc has come full circle so I’m seriously hoping that they don’t make Loki take 100 steps backward in Infinity War and betray Thor again. Loki’s the only thing he has left right now, besides his Asgardian people who look like are all killed in the next movie. As much comedy as there was in Ragnarok, the movie really was heartbreaking. ☹️ Maybe they are working towards ending the Skywalker line for good at the end of 9 and moving on to other stories. Even if Ben survives, he’s only one guy. There’s only so much you can do with that. Maybe they are trying to make lightsabers out of style. Idk anymore. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Lando could have filled that role as well! I feel like bringing him back into the story would make sense. That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out! How in the world did he have so many details about her parents? He knew they were junk traders who sold her for drinking money and they are buried in a commoners grave on Jakku. Where in the hell did he get all that info?? 🤔 I thought the same or that the lightsaber figures would be released after the movie to prevent spoilers. I was imagining any excuse except the truth! Cause the truth hurts... 🙁 Hm, you’re right, Norma does say it. They should have kept that line with Norman but that’s just my opinion.