
L3ia (6)



I agree. I was actually pretty riveted up until the end. I wanted to see their real reactions. I thought Rose was hypnotized and didn't remember any of her old boyfriends. I thought maybe the brother was brainwashed too and would snap out of it and come to his aid. Ooh that sounds like a way better ending! Reminds me of Black Mirror. I wonder why they changed it? I loved the movie but felt a little let down at the end. She should have said it when she found the girl locked in the closet before he gassed her. Obviously the situation was out of control at that point, she should've pulled out the big guns right then. Yeah me too. I didn't expect this to be a horror movie. I thought I was going to see a mystery/thriller. I wouldn't have watched it alone if I had known it was scary like that. The first half especially. I think the creepy music made it seem extra scary. Well he did try to blow his brains out. Completely shutting his emotions down was probably the only way he managed to survive. View all replies >