SherlockJunior's Posts

amazing talent My thoughts Speculation how to get the trilogy made and be profitable for Disney / Fox extended run in China of one month Love how they drained that PG13 rating Awesome bit part in Alita AWESOME in Alita! First manga live action adaption I love seeing it today in the Netherlands IMAX 3D and... 90% on the MOIST meter~! score on rotten tomatoes is now fresh at 60% It's on Netflix Netherlands! Excellent in 'The Foreigner' so excited for season 3! flood social media with bringbackboomstick. We need AVED season 3 :) First Edgar Wright movie to cross the 100 milion dollar mark worldwide. (budget 34 million) Any news yet on the shooting of AVED season three? Back in action! The message board revived! :D