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Noirdame79 (99)


Unsolved Mystery Bumping For Nicholas View all posts >


Here's the board for it: For future reference, in the search box, type The Dollanganger Saga, and then the title of the film whose board you want to access. The ending that is in the finished film is not the original ending and was hastily written by someone who had never read the novel and had no involvement in the film's original production, so I doubt he even stopped to think about that. Corrine didn't die until the third book in the series, and that's why the original screenwriter and director, Jeffrey Bloom, refused to make an ending where Corrine would die, he knew it would upset fans of the novel, which is one of the reasons he walked off the film and had no part of the final edit. The original cut didn't test well, and the test audience disliked the original ending (which did involve the kids exposing her mother at the wedding, but Corrine did live in Bloom's original ending), so the studio decided that the audience would want Corrine to die. While you can argue that Corrine deserved that ending, there are problems with it and rightly, angered a lot of fans. Greystone Mansion was used for the theatrical ending, specifically the wedding scene where the kids confront Corrine, she and Cathy get into a fight and Corrine falls off the trellis. The reason why Greystone was used is that it was decided to change the film's original ending because it didn't test well, but by the time they had a new ending written, they couldn't afford to go back to the Crane estate in Massachusetts, which had served as the exterior of Foxworth Hall in the movie (some of the interiors were used as well). In fact, several different locations were used for the mansion's interiors; the Pasadena Historical Society aka the Fenyes Mansion in Pasadena (which had dark red paneling) was used for the grandfather's bedroom, the dining room, Corrine's bedroom, and a few of the corridors. The ballroom scene was filmed at the Doheny Mansion at Mout St. Mary's College in Los Angeles, while the attic, bathroom, and bedroom where the kids were imprisoned were on a Hollywood soundstage. This video shows the parts of Greystone that were used in the film: Again, it didn't originate with her. Do research. Oh, wait, that would require you to actually get out of your misogynistic mindset. Ah, the life of an internet troll. Minors can't consent, it's sexual assault. Period. Gender makes no difference. The whole "any straight man wouldn't complain" is beyond ignorant. Is that your way of saying that males can't be sexually assaulted? This did not originate with Lana. Get that through your head. We now know more about sexual assault and harassment. It's only people who have predatory tendencies who complain about how unfair it is that they don't have to respect other people's personal space and boundaries. If you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about No, her death cause was changed in 2012 from accidental to "drowning and other undetermined factors", not in the 1980s. The case was re-opened (for the first time) in 2011. Notice that one of the links about the re-opened investigation is dated 2011. The other states that 2011 was when the LASD re-opened the case. The link regarding the cause of death change states 2012. You could at least get those details right by using Google. It's not the fourth time the case was re-opened. It was re-opened once in 2011. Again, the lead detectives on the case never cleared Wagner. When they retired (one of them had to retire early for medical reasons), the LASD decided to throw in the towel, the case is still open. Robert Wagner remains the one and only person of interest in this case. That has not changed. The police did not do a proper investigation in 1981, and the re-opened investigation showed that. 'Nuff said. He did not fully cooperate. The detectives in the re-opened investigation repeatedly stated that Wagner refused to speak with them. It didn't originate with Lana. Biographer Suzanne Finstad was the first to bring it up in her 2001 biography of Natalie. It was corroborated by the late Bobby Hyatt and his mother. View all replies >