MovieChat Forums > Olivia > Replies

Olivia's Replies

I see what you're saying. But some people who rape others really have no idea what rape is. So maybe if they knew, they wouldn't do it. So according to your logic: don't get drunk. Because if you're drunk, you'll get raped. And allowing yourself to get raped is a stupid decision. But wait. You said teenagers are already stupid. So, if they're already stupid, what is going to make them stop and analyze the situation? What already stupid teenager would think hey, maybe I shouldn't drink at my own party so I can prevent being raped.. Maybe people who get raped aren't stupid at all. Maybe someone just takes advantage of them because they aren't completely self aware. And the only thing going to stop this is educating the rapist about what consent is, not the victim. And hopefully the show helped to do this? Instead of just portraying stupid girls making stupid decisions? All of that being said, I agree with that fact that going to Bryce's party was strange on her behalf. Your friend just got raped and you're going to chill alone in his hot tub? So I see where you're coming from. Although girls could try to take more caution, educating and ultimateltly eliminating future rapists (if they know what consent means) will probably be the most effective method in stopping it. I did think she was pretentious and stuck up in the beginning. But I suppose you didn't have to like her character anyway. At first I didn't like her either. She came across as really pretentious and stuck up. But then I realized that her character doesn't have to be likable. No one on the show is perfect, including Hannah. Having said that I did start to like her more as the show went on.