FreshCannedFarts's Replies

Just watched the film. From my understanding. She was dead. The mom's boyfriend bashed her brains out with a snow globe. You can see she dies as she's buried alive. She's undead. This is shown in a few scenes. Her hands are icy when she touches Alex. She has no feeling of pain when she burns her hand with the lighter. I assumed things would go in a slightly different direction. I thought that Alex would slowly turn (you can see his darker side when he kills the lady) into a demon as they slowly switched roles. Kind of glad it didn't go that way... As for why she turned... Pet Sematary? :P No, he doesn't age, there's no "human tissue" as he's completely created. He just looks however he wanted to look. Did you miss the parts where his body was completely destroyed, and he re-created it the same way? Oh boo hoo. I guess the homeschooled kids got schooled. Seriously, what 13yo hasn't heard D and P jokes. They hear worse in school. The 'conquered death' part is also in 'From Beyond'. The makeup of the demon guy does have a bit of the Hellraiser vibe. Alzheimers will do that to you. Indeed, the practical effects were glorious. The creatures actually reminded me of the game 'Dead Space'. I thought the movie was more influenced by 'From Beyond' then Hellraiser. I'm not sure why people bring Hellraiser in, the connection seems very tenuous. Not sure how you missed the plot, considering it was very very similar to 'From Beyond'. Mix in a little 'In the Mouth of Madness', with a pinch of 'Beyond the Black Rainbow' and viola! I do think though, that the ending made no sense...