Mike716's Replies

You must be posting about the OJ season, right? Because that one was very factual. The Versace story is a lot more artistic and has way more parts open to interpretation. I actually prefer the OJ one because it's a concise recreation of the actual events, and a better story. Don't care much for the Versace one partly because of the fact that there are a lot of things we don't (and can't) know about the story and liberties are taken, but also because it's just less interesting. I had no idea it was him in Boardwalk Empire until recently. His performance in that and A Serious Man were just so different (and that good) I think it was most tense before, or while they were being discovered. I also hate the characters. Every time I'd start to sympathize with them in the moment, I'd remind myself of why they're there. The young looking kid was the most sympathetic as he seemed to be the most moral and naive, but then you have to realize that he knew what he was doing more than the other two. He knew the limit of when it turns from theft into a felony or whatever, he knew how to exploit the security systems, he was perhaps the worst one. I'm not saying they deserved to die, but when you break into someones house you're fair game. Was hoping the girl would die by the end tbh.