
eiy (14)



And that's relevant...because? Try make some real arguments? "keep telling yourself that", "try harder" followed by "you couldn't have done better" are not arguments based on facts or rationale. They are just tantrums. When you provide good discussion points I will reply further. Until then, I pray for you. Did you consider despite having 5% of world's population, America had 20% of the world's COVID deaths "better"? Well, Trump inherited a healthy economy from 8 years of Obama's effort. Biden inherited a fiasco of a pandemic that was completely mismanaged by Trump. Not really apples and apples. A more fair comparison should be how the economy/state of the country evolves at the beginning of the presidency vs end of the presidency for each, factoring comparison to the rest of the world that share the same/equivalent challenges. That would be a Google search engine problem, not a media problem. Google is not a media company. ^ This! This! More people came out to vote against Trump than for Biden. In fact, had Trump not been the Republican nominee Biden would most likely not win. Everything you said about Roe v. Wade proves how ignorant you are about the entire issue. The first link was by a channel called Trump War Room, managed by Trump's 2020 Campaign. That tells us everything we need to know. It's completely fake. The second link was an article about an interview in June '22, where Biden, when asked, predicts a mini-revolution if SCOTUS overturns Roe v. Wade. Biden wasn't telling anyone to do anything. He was predicting what people would do. That you link this to someone plotting to kill a Supreme Court justice to prevent the overturning of Roe v. Wade is not only ridiculous but also a complete failure to recognize how important the issue of abortion is to so many people. You are welcome! View all replies >