MovieChat Forums > zeromorph

zeromorph (8)



Right, Cuddle's tentacles, why not. Either add them to the spaghetti, or sun-dry them and make them excellent chewy finger-food for aperitif. This thread is more fun than the movie itself... Great idea Houdini. Why only unfertilised egg? You can very well cook a fertilised egg. Have you seen balut egg in Southeast Asia? David can do a facehugger balut egg: tie the egg tightly and boil it. The egg wouldn't open during the boiling (thanks to the tying), so, don't have to worry about acid leak. Boil it longgggg enough... who know how long those facehuggers can resist in hot water. Then, when it's finished, peel the "shell" away, thoroughly smash the creature inside (if it's still alive), then eat the smashed pieces with soy sauce and ginger. Yum yum. I think facehugger will also be great in deep fry. You know, like deep fried spiders and crabs in some countries: the more legs it got, the better it tastes in deep fry. The black goo, I think it goes perfectly as sauce to spaghetti. Have you tried squid-ink spaghetti in Italy? It doesn't look that much different from the black goo. Add in some garlic and herbs, I'm sure it's a killer (both figuratively and literally). Did you, or did you not see the movie, Houdini? I generally agree with your opinions about this movie, but if you haven't seen it, that's harsh. Yes, there are some "original" parts in this movie, and by original I mean it is new toward the Alien franchise, but those ideas have already appeared in the cinema world for a while. Then, whether those original ideas are interesting here, is another matter. Yeap. So basically David is the god that creates the alien world that we "love" so much. Ruined for life. I can't understand why he hasn't taught the xenomorph to play flute yet. >> Question. Why do those fools keep bending over to look inside the egg right before the facehugger hatches? Because the eggs ooze out sexual pheromones that alter the brain of lookers and draw them to peek and sniff? I can't possibly think of any other explanation. >> If scott isnt careful hes going to do to alien what lucas did to star wars with those prequels. Too late, buddy. The level of ridiculousness in Prometheus and Covenant can almost rival the Prequels now. Even if the third one is gonna be better, like The Revenge of the Sith is better than the other two, the trilogy is doomed now. Scott has lost his touch, no matter if he panders to fans or not. You can't be a genius forever. Haha. Great post. I have watched the movie and agree with everything you said. Another wrong doing: - Walking on a strange planet without any helmet or contamination protection. Seriously, they don't even need xeno virus to kill them, they can easily inhale an Ebola mutation and die from diarrhea. - Yeah, the "it is okay to look at the egg" is the naivest ever. View all replies >