uraharakisuke's Replies

No worries janoss! A great little game, quite difficult from what I remember. That's ok Bluebook! I think it's the Director's job to make the plot understandable. Tenet is unnecessarily complicated, even with the frequent exposition. Having 10 things on your dinner plate may be nice in theory but usually would benefit by halving the amount and making the the remaining parts better quality. There's a formulaic aspect to Nolan's character's and arcs that sligtly bores me sometimes. The blonde girl in particular, she seemed in no real danger of dying or not having a good ending despite the film trying to establish the contrary. Dunkirk was much better! Though I had that film spoiled for me in history class! That's just a joke Bluebook! *laughs and wipes tear from eye" These are some great facts lads! I will definitely watch this! Clever as always, Einstein! Very interesting. Unfortunately I can't read either, but it sounds excellent. Perhaps it's time for me to load up Duolingo? Thanks! Amazing response. Thank you NotoriousRio! Have fun and let us know what you thought of it! That's a good post, cheers for that mate. Yeah that's the first thing that struck me; rich good looking tom cruise lookalike can't get laid in a sea of horny women. Like he can't get a lapdance in a stripclub. I was wondering about Kubrick's real life views on sex as that would help us to understand what the film is getting at perhaps. He didn't look like a sex pest....but they never do, do they?!?! "I'm not familiar with the porn genre where there's a fully dressed dude that is barely shown other people fucking, and doesn't do anything. He doesn't even pull out his dick not even once. Is there such a genre?" Yeah it's a genre of porn called: "Date Night with uraharakisuke" "And I know you were being silly and funny, but I seriously think, by pointing out how he's getting always cockblocked while everybody else is fucking, that you got to the core of what Kubrick wanted to do with the movie, better than any other serious film review I've ever read on EWS." hahaha I was just having a laugh but now I'm interested in your view of what Kubrick intended? Is it the frustration and paranoia which can come with marriage? Is it the mundane marriage contrasted with the lavish, excessive, socialite, hollywood livestyle? Women always lead men on before a savage cock-block. Unless I see full frontal thrusting, I don't believe it. I like most westerns to be honest. Was expecting slightly more from this one considering its reputation but that's on me I suppose. haha oh yeah i forgot about that part "you're strong you can fight this whole being dead thing c'mon!" haha yes mark you raise a good (bullet) point about the proper use of bullet points -however -the way i use them is to reinforce -the moments of pause -in a sentence -to emphasize a point of humour -or merely to allow for me to write down -all the drivel that comes out my brain stuff -as i write very quickly in a stream of consciousness way It's not proper, it's not right, but life being the variety of spice and all that. You make a good point ditendra! Huh seems you're right, thanks Mr. Wick. They both have such a unique look so it never crossed my mind they would be different people. how dare you This is very true Jim. It would make very little sense to the poor sod watching this with no previous knowledge of the Breaking Bad. Thank you for your honesty, your comment and your emoji. oh look you made froggy hopping mad... Cos it looked cool and they needed something to put in the trailer that wasn't Jesse's meathead. yeah like a donut