Martoto's Replies

Why would anyone want to elect a president who can't even visit most of the countries the US is allied with due to them being a convicted felon? Trump and his supporters seem to want the POTUS to be like North Korean leaders. A pariah throughout the rest of the world propped up at home by his zombie cultist followers. Well UFC is a circus. They're used to applauding clowns. Yeah. We think that anyone who lets employers dictate that they are supposed to work 51.25 weeks out of the year and 16hrs a day, just because, is a fool. Some of those work practices were a result of workers getting organised to change the conditions during the industrial revolution that had resulted in average forty year life expectancy etc. What the hell would his adultress's feelings for him have to do against the evidence of fraudulent use of campaign funds to cover up a "one time thing"? Do you realise how dementedly hopeful that thinking sounds. "Oh his adultress said nice things about hm. That means the jury would have just ignored anything relevant to the charges that have been brought. Because anyone whose mistress says nice things about them is incapable of dishonesty." You guys live in the fucking twilight zone. Isn't the jury supposed to be all democrat controlled robots who didn't listen to the evidence anyway? Try another one, loser. Maybe because the tape isn't missing. Or it's "missing" until Donald makes a boo boo and denies it. When the cops shoot an unarmed "suspect" or do anything that "libs" consider an abuse of their authority, they don't cry about the GOP beating up, entrapping or brutalising people. But when the justice system does it's job and secures a conviction based on the evidence, Trump bootlicks can only resort to "the democrats" among other comforting fantasies. Have a nice life growing up, some day. What hair? ;) No it doesn't change much. But you were emphatic about her beating Sith without training... The nerd rage about Rey is just preposterous. Since when was he a Sith? Which Sith? Precisely. I would end it with Captain Scarlet dropping acid and it makes the Mysteron hive mind become groovy. Captain Scarlet helps the Mysterons neutralise Spectrum and have control over the Earth. Although the earth men don't realise it, the Mysterons intend to use their powers to end world hunger and poverty. Since Earth is not under threat any more, Captain Scarlet no longer needs his indestructability. So the Mysterons give him back a normal life. But dissident Earth people want revenge against the perceived traitor Captain Scarlet and put him in a rocket aimed at the sun where he might not die but he can never return. The Mysterons conclude that this is a bummer and decide to just leave Earth to its own devices and not fix anything like they planned to. Spectrum realise the mistake and send another rocket to save Captain Scarlet. Colonel White personally goes on the mission and sacrifices himself, after being satisfied that Captain Scarlet has had his hair cut. But guess what? The sun's rays restored Captain Scarlet's indestructability and as revenge for Colonel White, Lt Green blows up Mysteron city on Mars again. And we're back to square on again. But Lt Green is the new Cpt Black. The end (?) I can't believe anyone would be surprised by this. Apart from Endless Harmony. which still whitewashed the entire post '76/77 period, the narrative of the band has been Early success. Beatles competition, Pet Sounds/GV/Smile. Brian's problems, decline, and then a fudge of Brian's recoveries, "america's band" and Kokomo. The End. The only new footage that's shown up anywhere in recent years is Billy Hinche's home movies. But those were made in a period that the BB's barely acknowledge, relatively speaking. Except when they need to rerelease albums from that period to maintain copyright. If you combine Endless Harmony and the AE doc about Brian Wilson then that's about as good as you are going to get documentary wise. Until certain people pass away and there's no threat of litigation to people telling the real stories. And the reality is that almost half the background to the Beach Boys is disturbing in some way. Like Trump? Yes I did. :D Yeah but he would prefer the world hears it only from him. So he sounds like he was handicapped. I wonder how much Trump will pay his lawyers to keep quiet when he claims later on to have been advised not to testify by his legal team. After Jaws' unprecedented success, Zanuck and Brown would have had fewer qualms about shooting the sequel to the biggest movie of all time on their own terms. Even shutting production down. But on the first movie, Zanuck and Brown were keen not to let The Sting seem like it was a fluke. Stumbling with a number one best seller property would have been a huge come down. The trouble with the production was bad enough publicity. Shutting down could have really tainted the film. Or worse. No matter how well intentioned it was. As David Brown tells it "If you let them take the film out the camera, you don't know if they'll ever let you put it back in again. Spielberg himself considered halting production for a while. Concerned that a half baked movie might harm his career. Zanuck and Brown were vehemently against it as it would result in everyone losing whatever confidence they had and the movie perhaps never getting restarted. Which would be especially harmful to everyone's careers. Ha ha! Who needs convincing? Your own OP is textbook "whataboutism".