MovieChat Forums > Fontys > Replies

Fontys's Replies

read what i said here troll You are on permanent iggy worthless troll. Don't bother responding because i aint reading You are permanently ignored, worthless troll. go play in traffic. fuck off troll This worthless troll should be ignored by all Ok thanks i will Your website is boring as fuck with the most boring of people just like your mother who should have been killed before you were born Daphne aka John Carter Fuck off Betty USA is the reason why your head is not in the gutter right now, you fucking moron lol The UK is a perfect place to implement ISIS style Shariah law by beheading inbred toothless mongrels like you and your sister after me banging her I am just arguing an argument that some idiot here started that who is racist and anti-islam. Hey you racist POS britain should have been taken over by nazi germany only then could you people have behaved normally instead of being inbred tooth fairies When they were going out of control i started a thread there asking Travis to close General boards. Now the site is functioning better but nothing like Moviechat trending. Means all british people then I met George Michael in a bathroom and he tried to have sex with me [url][/url] You are a filthy inbred brit who is worthy of being beheaded by ISIS for being a racist PIG [url][/url] Angela Merkel posted an hour ago by klownz (252) 1 reply | jump to latest Is there anyone more fucking rotten? She hates the UK hates the USA... floods Europe with filthy raping savages by opening Germany to any fucker who fancies a free pass into EU nations. Islamic terrorist state of Germany.