MovieChat Forums > WandererFromYs

WandererFromYs (1844)



It must be fairly new, or lesser known. I previously searched Eliot Page, Hunter Schaefer and Demi Lavato, and none of them had it. Finally saw it on Chaz Bono's page. <blockquote> Just out of curiosity, if I started referring to you as "she" would it bother you? </blockquote> This issue just doesn’t hit cis people the way it hits people with gender identity issues. If you referred to me as she in real life I would start laughing. Even if it were used as insult, it wouldn’t hurt me. I might think you are jerk, but it could never make me feel like I was being denied my existence. I know who I am, and I don’t need anyone to validate that. I agree, at my company we have signatures that include our names, positions, locations and contact information. Everything you need to address me in a one on one contact is there. There is no need to use pronouns in such a format. Some names can throw you off, but since you are referring to them by their name it shouldn’t matter. Can you give an example? I randomly searched a few names and didn’t see it. I hope he’s ok, falls are scary at that age. I’m not sure if he coaches it or just sponsors it. Little league teams are often sponsored by local small businesses. But yeah he mentions earlier in that scene that he has a little league team. It’s says a lot about his mindset. Tony was our risking his life, to get the money, and the stuff, but it was a small thing to Frank. He’s is living so comfortable that his little league team is more of a concern to him. Hawking was there, he appeared in pictures. And the claim that he participated in underaged orgies comes from Epstein himself in an email. You haven’t really clarified anything. You’ve moved moved the goal posts with every reply, and I just let it go because it doesn’t change what you are saying. For example: <blockquote>I specifically stated that they cannot do it "as well as" the best BLACK hip hop dancer BECAUSE of their skin color. </blockquote> No, you said they couldn’t do it as well because they don’t understand the black experience. Which would be culture. When I pointed out hip hop was a culture, and could be understood by anyone you said not ah and made it strictly about dancing, which leaves less to understand than an entire culture. But your underlying point never changes. You believe blacks people are better because of the color of their skin. Which is the definition of racism. So no matter how you try and spin it, you are racist. “the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.” Ask yourself this. Why would Beyoncé hire non black dancers? She has plenty of influence in the industry, she can demand whatever she wants. What is her motivation here? <blockquote> The organization raised money from well-intentioned liberal donors</blockquote> Nope. Those are dumb people. Extremely dumb people that believe in a lie like systematic racism. There is so much you can do for poor people, and you spend money to bail criminals out of jail? I wish they could be held liable for that woman’s death. It reduces them down to their genitals. Which is either going to offensive, or objectifying if it's positive. I think the same applies to males. Even if it were complimentary, it would get old after a while. However I was taking in general above, I think Lindsay Lohan was being a snow flake. No one cared about that line except her, and some of the other actors dont even remember it. She made it a bigger deal by having it edited. It's basically the Streisand effect. View all replies >