ThePhantomMenace's Replies

Mary-Louise Parker is thin as a rail. Nancy was a pretty face who dressed on the slutty side and clearly enjoyed sex quite a bit. She might be considered a slut in some circles but she was really an adventurous woman who behaved irrationally and wasn't ugly. That's attractive to most men only looking for sex. The unrealistic part is how she brought down so many men with power. Nancy could control the controllable, the controllable craved Nancy. Heylia and Conrad pop up in seasons 7 and 8. They were obviously LA based so they had little reason to go to San Diego. AGREED! 4 and 5, aka The Mexican Seasons, are Weeds at its best. You can rank 1-3 and then 6-8 in any order after that. Definitely worth watching. A little noir, a little satire, a little sorrow. A lot like Fargo without the snow...or wood chipper.