tersmantoll's Posts

e2: On the Heaven - Did the enemies explode or fall to the ground This film is so damn awesome! Hawkeye paid for Linda Cardellinis cell phone plan for 5 years They shoot loads and loads of bullets on the predator in the lab why do people say t-rump and not trump? Great movie! actors, pace, Pace... Is the bad guy playing Sean Penn from Mystic River? Going in warp speed then stopping 700 m short of collision Cmndr Reno makes super robots but can't deactivate the lasers.. Did they just hit their chest to open helmet? Just throw sleeping Godzilla into space Bullseye is such a great fu**king cast Unexpectedly good Why does it have to be sentient? It seems... Castle eating stuff Angry trump supporters in 3. 2. 1... He could have shown the mother the drawings of the scarred people Rooting for the "bad guys" Margaret Qualley bursts through flower petals...AGAIN (Spoiler)